Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Happy Anniversary! (Yesterday)

Yes, yesterday J Mark Jr and I celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary! I wanted to post some updated, cutesy, maybe even a little mushy pictures of us. However, none have been taken yet! So sad. I promise to take some this month some time and post them later. Yesterday K3 was sick and throwing up, K4 was a little clingy. J Mark and I had Little League practice, (yes, we're coaching K2's team), and then K2 had his Bishop's interview for his upcoming Baptism. I was planning to cook a special dinner, complete with a delectable, Hot Fudge Chocolate Cake for dessert. However, since the little girls were having a tough day, the kitchen sink was full of dishes. Laundry was all over the couch waiting to be folded and put away, not to mention the gazillion toys that had been spread out all over the living room and play room, all of those plans were thrown out the window. So, our evening went like this, K1 and K2 got home from school at about 2:30, and started their homework. J Mark Jr went to run an errand around 3:10--thankfully he took K4 with him. K2 and I started to get ready for Little League. When it was 3:50 and J Mark wasn't home yet I was starting to get nervous. Little League started at 4:00 and we only have the one car--a super hot Mini-Van with a "Trophy Husband" bumper sticker on the back window. Anyway, thankfully J Mark gets home just in time and we rush off to Little League. Practice goes great and at 5:10 we pick up K1, K3, and K4 (It's so nice to have older children!) and take everyone to In-N-Out. The kids are thrilled!! We never "splurge" on something like this. About 45 minutes later, on our way home, chocolate milkshakes in hand. We rush in the door, J Mark and K2 hit the showers and I quickly iron white shirts for the bishop's interview. At 6:28, the boys are out the door and the girls get in the bath. At around 7:00 the boys return home--interview went great! Biggest Loser promptly goes on the T.V.--our favorite! J Mark goes to run another errand, (we needed some children's motrin for K3). By about 8:30 the kids are in bed--thank goodness! We wrapped up celebrating by watching the rest of the Biggest Loser and then we watched Transporter 3 which J Mark was thrilled that it came out on DVD on our anniversary.

Now, some may think that this was such a disappointing way to celebrate. However, I don't think I would have wanted things to be too different, (except for maybe sick K3). Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is that I feel so blessed to have 4 beautiful and amazing children. That together, J Mark and I get the incredible job of raising them. How lucky I am that I am married to my best friend and that through it all he is at my side, supporting me and cheering me on and helping me, any and every time that I need--even running out for children's motrin on the night of our anniversary. I am so grateful to have started all of this with him 14 years ago and look forward to spending eternity with him, with all that it may bring. At the end of the day yesterday I felt so happy, so blessed, and couldn't imagine being anywhere else. It's days like yesterday that inspired the title of our blog--Another Day in Paradise, for it truly was.


Jared and Delia said...

Happy Anniversary. That was a perfect tribute.

Good thing there are weekends right? Do you have anything planned for just the two of you then?

Robyn said...

Hi Janet ... Congratulations on your 14th Anniversary. That is awesome!

Hope K3 is feeling better soon!!

Jeremy Price said...

You are such a trooper. I always admire you for your upbeat attitude about everything. You and Justin continue to be a great example to us even with so many miles between us. We love you guys!

Nick said...

Congratulations on 14 wonderful years! Our 11th is coming up in May. You make such a wonderful team. He's the comedic relief that is needed sometimes and what a sweet husband to run those pesky errands. Hopefully you can at least hit a movie or dinner one night for a couples celebration, but it's great you got to celebrate the fact that you've created such a great family in your 14 yrs!
BTW, Bran and I love the Transporter movies too, I'll have to pick it up since we already have 1 and 2.

pianogal said...

Happy anniversary! What a tribute! Miss you guys!

The six of us! said...

Happy Anniversary!!!