Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Gulp! New Job Opportunities

O.k., so the economy is yucky for everyone and just like the masses we are trying our best to make it through. So I was looking for job openings/opportunities online the other night. After countless replies of "we're not hiring/no open positions," etc. I went to Craig's list and found an opening for a group fitness instructor for a new studio opening up at The Scottsdale Hyatt Regency Resort!! I could not believe it! I still can't! So I quickly sent a resume and actually had an interview yesterday! I'll find out more about that on Saturday.

Then, on a whim I called another health club in the area. I was given an e-mail address to send a resume to, and so for some crazy reason I did. And they sent me an e-mail back and now I have an interview/audition next week! A mixture of excitement and shear terror is swimming around inside of me. Something about an aerobics auditions brings back memories of cheerleading auditions and giving speeches in front of the class and things like that. I know I can do this, but how I'm going to pull it off is still kind of a mystery. Thank goodness I have a little time to pull myself together.

I know some of you are thinking, why two places?! Well, usually with jobs like this, if you get hired you're only teaching 1 maybe 2 classes a week. So if I do get hired I should be able to make both things work.

Also, I know some of you might be thinking, aren't you doing some classes/training at The Wright Fitness? Well, actually I'm not doing very much with that yet. I've had a tough time getting that going for myself. I'm still planning on pursuing that as well. I just needed something that would be a definite paycheck right now and that would have free child care while I worked.

Anyway, I'm really not sure what will come of any of this. Whatever happens, I am grateful for the blessings given to me that make it possible. I really am nothing, all of this would be nothing, without the gifts given to me by my loving Heavenly Father. So I will let you know how it all goes. Wish me luck!


Sarah said...

GOOD LUCK!!! I hope you are able to land one if not both. I tried and tried to find a job last year and the Wells Fargo job just fell into my lap thanks to Jenny Hall. I hope that you aren't too busy to be my personal trainer so that I can be super skinny and hot for next summer!!!!

Robyn said...

Hi Janet! I know you will do awesome at your additions! If I remember corrently, you addition at LA Fitness when you were here in TX and you got the job!! Best of Luck!! Can't wait to hear about your new opportunities!

Jared and Delia said...

Good luck. I KNOW you will do great. I definitely know that tryout feeling...super nerve wracking!

Nick said...

Congrats and good luck! That's really awesome. The Lord truly brings awesome blessings when we need them the most. We're actually getting a tax return this year instead of having to pay! That was a huge blessing. I'm sure you'll do great with your interviews, though I don't envy the nervousness at all!

Jeremy Price said...

Youa are so good, I know at least one of those things will work out for you. We'll keep you in our prayers.

The six of us! said...

Good luck Janet! You are sure to get it, you're a great instructor. And there is a reason why this came to you all at once, fortunately you recognize it. : )

Ashley said...

Best of luck! That is really exciting. It will probably feel like cake, compared to juggling four kids. :)