Friday, April 3, 2009

I'm Ready to go to Hawaii!

Dear, sweet precocious Kate. She is at that age where staying at home with Mom all the time is just not fun. She wants to go and "play at a friend's house," constantly. And I mean all the time, everyday, all day! She is relentless in her pleadings. I would love to have a full agenda of playdates for her, but we all know that that request is just not realistic. We may not have a life, but everyone else really does. Anyway, one morning she was deep in the process of her constant repetition of "I'm ready to go to so-and-so's house!" Pretty much demanding that I take her and so put out that I haven't done it yet. So I looked at her and said, "You know what Kate?! I'm ready to get on an airplane and go to Hawaii and sleep in, and take naps and eat what I want, when I want to!" I then began to try to explain that just because we want it, doesn't mean we get it. Such an easy concept, and yet somehow so hard to learn. Perhaps that is why our nation's economy is in it's current state....Anywhoo. Of course such a profound concept went right over her head and she said, (somewhat excitedly), "O.k. Mom! Let's go to Hawaii! I want to go too! I'm ready to get on an airplane to Hawaii!" Oh well. Eventually we will get there. By the way, she did get to play at the neighbor's house later that afternoon.


Robyn said...

I wish you guys were still next door!! We would love to have Kate come over and play. (Plus, I miss sitting in the your driveway just watching and talking!)

Hope you guys are all do good!!

Nick said...

I want to go to Hawaii too! I do, I do! It's snowing here today. I don't think Mother Nature realizes it's April. Peanut is the same way with wanting to play with friends everyday and it gets to be old.

Jared and Delia said...

I wish we were close and she could just come and play with Owen.

Owen needs more play time too. He doesn't really beg for it very much though. I didn't realize what a homebody he is...kind of like us. :)
He does beg for "preschool time" which means art time or reading time with me. Part of me looks forward to him branching out and going to school and such, but I will miss being his best friend. :)

Hawaii sounds nice to me too. I have never been there. Let's go just you, me, Amy, Emily, and Nicole. Just the girls!

I wish!

Susan said...

I remember mom and I used to lay in bed and dream about running away to Hawaii. I think I was probably Kate's age at the time. Must be genetics.

Jessica said...

I just want to know why K3 had duct tape in her hair....and when are you going to Hawaii becuase I am SO in! I'll fly if you buy ;)