Thursday, April 16, 2009

Random Stuff

O.k., so I know that some of you reading this are rolling your eyes at the fact that all of our children's names begin with the letter "K". The truth is that we didn't really do this on purpose until our 4th child was born. I knew that if I were to have a little girl I wanted to name her Kelly because I just love that name. When we were expecting Kevin I really wanted to name him Harrison, but that name kind of got poo-pooed, and we both liked the name Kevin. Honestly, once you have met our son it's hard picturing him with any other name, Kevin just fits! Then when we were expecting Kate, we were thinking of using the name Kathryn, after my mother. Well, there were other family members expecting around the same time who also liked that name, so if we were going to use it we needed to use it then and thankfully she turned out to be a girl and Kathryn, aka Kate just fits! So then we were expecting again and with 3 K's you might as well make the last one a K too, so we both like Kenzie and so far that seems to fit her. They all have nice, normal, middle names, so if some day they'd rather go by those that's fine with me. Until then, we just love our 4 amazing K's!

Alright, so the story behind Kate's headline picture. We have a little space between a chair and our couch which she likes to play in, or hide in, or use for forts. I think on this particular day she was irritated with me, (like that never happens :)), and stomped off to hide. After a little while I noticed just how quiet she was and when I went to check on her she had fallen asleep! I couldn't resist taking her picture!

Also, I came across this great article on 5 health foods that really aren't that healthy. If you're interested in reading it go here.

I hope you have a great day!


Nick said...

I just realized I still haven't mailed Kate's card. Sorry to be a total flake. I loved your Easter message and I love the picture of Kate sleeping. I have one of Bubba asleep on his back on the stairs when he was like 2 1/2 with his pants on backwards and one of JP asleep on his knees with his head on the stairs. I love those pictures. They're sweet and funny at the same time. I love reading about your family. It makes me feel not as far away from you guys. BTW, JP really wants to invite all his cousins to his birthday party this summer. I thought that was so cute.

Jared and Delia said...

That was as fun story about your 4 K's. I don't think that is weird at all. I have heard WAY weirder name patterns. :)

That picture is a keeper! So cute.