Monday, May 18, 2009

I am still here

Not that any of you were worried. I would like to be the kind of person who posts every day, or every other day. I just have to not turn on my computer every day or I waste way too much time!

I don't have time to post pictures, maybe next time, but I wanted to post some updates.

#1--We are moving to the Kansas City, Missouri area at the end of June. It's kind of a big thing considering that we moved here less than a year ago to be closer to family and now we're moving again. I do feel bad to uproot the kids...again...however, they are taking it in stride. We've really made this a matter of prayer and know without at doubt this is what is the right thing for our family. And to be honest, we are at peace with the decision and we look forward to the change with excitement. We will be living in Jackson County--close to many Church History Sites. We're talking about attending the Nauvoo Pageant and things like that. I'm excited to be able to share those things with my children. Plus, if you've never been to Missouri, or that part of the country, it's really pretty! We just really feel like it will be such a blessing to live there. We love our family here, and will miss spending time with them. It is not easy to leave them. But again, we love them and that will never change.

#2--I can't keep up with how fast my children are growing! Kate is learning to swim without floaties. Kelly has recently outgrown everything! I bought her some new athletic shoes this last weekend--3 sizes bigger than the ones we bought her at the beginning of the school year! Kenzie keeps trying to stand up in the middle of the room. She of course doesn't have the balance and coordination yet, but walking is right around the corner. Kevin just finished his first season of Little League. He went straight to machine pitch and did such a great job! He loved playing pitcher and catcher. One time he even got someone out on a high foul ball while he was catcher--he was so proud of himself. We were so proud to be his coaches and share that experience with him.

#3--This is our last week of school and of course it is busy with recitals, plays, kung fu promotions, teacher appreciation, etc. I have been busy sewing some dresses for 2 of my neices. My SIL is getting re-married in a couple of weeks and we are all looking forward to that. It's fun making these dresses for them. I will try and post a picture of the completed projects next time. One is already completed and I have to get the other one done this week. So far I am really pleased with how they are turning out. However, I do feel like I am running out of time to get everything done that I need to!


Sarah said...

I'm sorry, but I've been praying that a tornado hit the area of Kansas that you are moving to, so you have to stay here. My girls have been adding it to their prayers, and I also am going to campaign the ward to fast for the tornado as well.

I totally need baby furniture. I would pay you top dollar for your stuff. Aaron won't let me buy new..go figure, so let me know the price. Hurray - one less thing to worry about!!

p.s. totally not joking about the having a ward fast for you to stay.

Jared and Delia said...
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Jared and Delia said...

Thanks for the update. WE love you and can't wait to see you in two weeks!

Jeremy Price said...

Never a dull moment for you guys right. You would think were a military family the way you guys move. You have such good kids I am sure they will love the area, I wish you were moving back here but now we have a great reason to go see the church history sites. Good Luck!!!

Nick said...

Holy Moly you're busy! I'm so sad we won't be able to see you this summer:(, but we're happy for you at the same time.

Robyn said...

I know you guys have given a lot of thought and prayer about the move and that Missouri will be a wonderful adventure for all of you!! (Isn't your family close to Missouri?)

I can't believe that Kenzie's 1st birthday is just around the corner. You'll have a lot of fun when she starts walking!! (Ryann and Sam are now playing like Kate and Ryann ... get along for a little bit and then they get upset with each other! Guess you treat friends and sisters the same way!)