Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sometimes there just aren't words

I found out yesterday that my cousin's son, who happens to be just about the same age as Kenzie, passed away this week. He just went to sleep for his nap and stopped breathing sometime while he was sleeping. I understand that they resusitated (sp?) him, but it was too late. My heart is aching thinking about them and their loss! He was their first child. My thoughts and prayers are with them. I have a testimony of the Plan of Salvation, Heavenly Father's great plan of happiness. I am grateful for the atonement of our Savior who makes it possible for all of us to be resurrected. I know that my cousin and his wife will be reunited with their son. This knowledge seems to soften the blow a little, but the pain is still there. It's one of those things where you wish you could just give a hug and make things all better. It also makes me recognize how important every day in this life is with our family. It's made me enjoy my children and love them deeper, if that's possible. Even when they are trying my patience, I've tried to look at the situation from my cousin's perspective and just tried to enjoy every moment.
Hug your children today. Hug your spouse today. Say a prayer of gratitude for this life and for our Savior who knows how we feel and has suffered every grief imaginable in order to bring us comfort and support when we need it most.


Jared and Delia said...

I am so sorry to hear about their loss. Thank you for sharing. This life is so precious. It is amazing how easy it is to forget that.

The six of us! said...

I'm so sorry to hear of their loss. I can't even imagine the pain of lossing a child, but like you said, knowing His plan does help lighten the pain.