Monday, June 29, 2009

Ode to the Summer Road Trip

O.k., so our summer road trip just happened to coincide with a move--kill two birds, right?
Anyway, so the drive was pretty brutal, I'm not going to lie to you. Thankfully, there weren't any problems and the kids were AMAZING considering how long we spent in the car. Thank you Bach's Rescue Remedy for Kids, I will never travel without you!

This pretty much was my view for the entire trip. Sometimes, after hours of driving and my eyes wouldn't really focus and I just wanted to be anywhere else I would look up and wonder why I was behind this slow moving truck. I would snap out of it just in time before I changed lanes and sped around.

Let's see, some highlights would be...

Kate unbuckling her seat belt because she just didn't like being buckled anymore. This happened several times.

Kelly discussing, "car hopping" with me. The act in which you change lanes and pass a car, then change lanes again to return to the right lane.

The miles upon miles of road construction. I understand the need to do this during the summer. However, I did not figure that in while planning the hours of driving. So our first day ended up somewhere around 14 hours in the car, not 11 or 12. Brutal. That's all I can say.

Finally arriving to our hotel in Amarillo around midnight local time after Kenzie had been crying for close to three hours and I was at the point where having someone shove bamboo shoots under my fingernails was beginning to sound better than spending one more minute in the car, just to find out that it was the OTHER Hampton Inn that had our reservation and when asked for directions was told to go west instead of east and ended up driving around Amarillo for 20 extra minutes. It was great, you should have been there.

Kelly telling me that I needed some Rescue Remedy Too. I can't wait until she's a mom.

There are some very interesting bill boards out there. Who pays for these? Who decides which ones will really be the best? And then who makes them and actually pays for someone to put them up? And while we're at it, when do they put up new billboards because we've driven at all hours and I've never seen anyone in the process of putting up a new sign. O.k., enough about that. My two favorite billboards were, "Erick Astrada delivers baby with a seatbelt!" That one came with a picture. The other favorite was, "Jesus Christ is the Lord (not a swear word) Travel Center with free Wi-Fi"--Oh, Texas how I've missed you. I wish I could have taken a picture of those.

I did get a picture of this however, The Largest Cross in the Western U.S. I think it was in Oklahoma.

You gotta wonder how much that cost.

Let's not forget the good things. Exposing my children to some great musical soundtracks--yes we did the whole trip with not one movie and no DS's. Plus all the many wonderful moments I was able to tell my children I loved them, and how proud I was of them; to see where we were and to have accomplished what we accomplished.
Thankfully it's over! I wonder what next summer will bring (no, it better not involve moving!)


Robyn said...

I am so glad you guys made it to your destination!! I loved your moving story ... you make them so much fun to read (and I'm going to be honest ... I'm glad its you and not me ... I don't know how you do it!)

Can't wait to see your upcoming blogs on Missouri. I know you guys will have an awesome adventure.

Jeremy Price said...

You are one amazing person!!! If next summer does involve a move I hope it's to California, then I'll fly out and drive back with you. Hope you guys are setteling in well, call me when you have a spare minute or is that a joke right now?!

The six of us! said...

Wow, I think I would have flipped out when they sent me to the other hotel! What a great adventure and precious moments spent with your kids w/o a movie that whole drive! I'll have to look into that remedy for our road trip later this summer. Thanks for the book suggestion, he needs a new read. So glad your all safe and at home!

Delia said...

WHew! I love that picture at the end. Beside it being beautiful, it kind of signifies the light at the end of the tunnel. Yay you made it!

Kudos to you for no DVDs or DS. That is pretty amazing to me. YOu are my hero.

I just looked up that rescue remedy. Very interesting. I like it!

Nick said...

I'm sooo sorry! That just sounds grueling. Going to CA is more than enough for us. And no movies-wow! I hope all goes well with the un-packing and getting settled. Sure miss you guys and wish we could see you more often.

pianogal said...

No DS or movies? You're amazing! Glad you made it!

David and Stacey said...

Janet, I have waiting for your post, hoping the trip went well. If it makes you feel any better, we are miserable in our rental, but I am afraid it does not even compare to you experience on the road. How did you survive? And what is Bach's remedy for kids? Is it a cream? or a soundtrack? Or even better a sleeping pill? Ha! Well, I am so glad I can read about your adventures in your blog, may God bless you and your family, Stacey

P.S. how did you nurse?

karen said...

Hey Griswolds! That Hampton Inn thing happened to us too! I was cracking up at the "it was great. you should have been there." That's too much. Kudos for not doing any DVDs, DS's, etc. What the heck is Bach's Travel Remedy Rescue Emergency thing? do tell...we're headed on the road ourselves in a week or so...
glad you guys are safe and sound.
we miss you already!