Sunday, July 12, 2009

So Sad

O.k., so last night it was late and I was carrying a bunch of stuff downstairs that needed to be put down. It was an awkward load and I was very tired, and very distracted so for no reason at all I dropped everything....including my camera. Unfortunately it was onto the tile floor. So now my camera is not working. Hopefully it will be something minor that can be repaired. I guess I'm mostly sad about the great pictures I had taken yesterday that I hadn't downloaded yet. I don't know if I will ever be able to download them at all! It makes me so sad! There were a few pictures of my mom with Kelly, Kevin, and Kate. They were going to a pioneer primary activity and my mom had helped me make the girls some long skirts to wear. They were all dressed up, (including my mom), and truly the pictures were pretty good. Also, later yesterday afternoon we decided to go exlporing in James A. Reed wildlife preserve. Yes, it was very hot and sticky but we got a great picture of the kids and I on our walk back through the nature trail to the car. Hopefully I will be able to miraculously retrieve the lost pictures and will be able to post them later. Keep your fingers crossed!

Also, tonight (probably because I'm staying up way too late), I've felt this anxiety over the realization that I am not doing anything to reach my potential or develop talents, (I'm sure I have some hidden away somewhere). It's really bothering me. I feel like I have a lot more to offer and I'd like to be successful at other things after my children have grown up. Hmmmm. What to do? What to do? Any suggestions?


Nick said...

I'm so sad about your camera! Does it have a memory card that you could just remove and take to Costco rather than downloading? Also, I think you're wonderful and very talented-a good cook,sewer, mother,friend. B keeps reminding me that being a good mom is the best talent to have.

David and Stacey said...

oh Janet you are too hard on yourself. you are doing the best you can right now in your life. Just smile and be proud of yourself. What a good mother you are(I have always thought so.) I hope you have a happy day and know that your Heavenly Father is proud of you!

Jared and Delia said...

I agree with you have a memory card you can remove? I hope so. That is bummer. Do you have a warranty on it too?

You are an uber-talented woman with so much to offer and whom I look up to so much! I know the feeling though. Just another reminder to keep growing. :)

Sarah said...

What a total bummer about the camera. I about died when Aaron left the camera in his pocket and washed it...I thought all my pictures were gone, but after a few prayers and waiting a few days, I was able to retrieve them...but I did have to get a new camera...he ruined it.

I don't think there is enough room to list your talents, and I only saw a smidge of them while you were here. The talent that sticks out in my mind..and yes it's a that you are positive all the time. You are able to take a bad situation and put a good positive spin on it. I wish I was able to do that, instead I dwell on the negative.