Friday, September 11, 2009

It's Good to Be Home

This is what I did yesterday. It felt good to accomplish something like this and I felt extremely grateful to be at home with my two little girls. You see, Justin got a job (insert cheers here)! I gave notice at the natural foods grocery store and have been home for a couple of weeks. Justin is working for Superior Lexus of Kansas City as a salesman. I know what some of you are salesman?! I think one comment made by a friend was, "Well, you don't have to put every job on your resume." Of course this person meant well and we didn't take any offense to it. The truth is, we will not underestimate any opportunity for growth and success. Wouldn't it be nice to know that for the effort you put into your job you are adequately, (or even more than adequately) compensated? That is the potential with this job and so far he really likes it.

What surprises me is how quickly we've adapted to this new routine. Dad's at work again. Kelly and Kevin are at school again and lucky Mom gets to stay home with the little girls. It feels good. It feels comfortable, kind of like your favorite pair of jeans, as goofy as that sounds.

So, what have I been doing with all of my "free" time? I haven't figured out yet how the day can go by and I can be busy all day and yet in the evening I feel like I have done nothing. However, yesterday I DID make bread, (again, insert cheers here). And I'm trying to make time to read here and there. I feel grateful for this time in my life. I love my children and I am blessed with a great family. Yes, it's good to be home.


David and Stacey said...

I want some, you make the best bread!

Jared and Delia said...

Yay! We have been praying for you every night! To know those prayers have been answered to your benefit is great news! That is wonderful that you can stay home again! I take for granted sometimes what a blessing it is not to have to leave my kids and go to work.

That bread looks perfect! I HAVE to talk to you about bread making. My white bread turns out great but my wheat bread often is too heavy, or the middle is doughy while the rest looks just right. I would really like to get the wheat bread right since it is better for us and I have 50 lbs. of whole wheat in food storage! I will have to call you and get your secrets!

The six of us! said...

Glad to hear you are able to stay home again, there really is no greater calling in life than being a Mom. On that note I am so glad to hear that Justin found a job!!! Can you hear me cheering : )

I am also glad that you are not the only one that feels like by the end of the day you have done nothing. I was beginning to think that there was something wrong with the way I organize my time.

BTW: I can smell your yummy bread through the computer!!!!

Nick said...

I wish I could make bread. Yay, for being home w/your girls! What an uplifting video.

karen said...

I need that bread recipe!! Susan and I are experimenting with bread recipes and gol darn that looks so very very good. I'm so glad Justin got a job!! Our previous landlord is a SUPER successful car salesman with Audi. I think Justin has a gift for sales and I'd buy a car from that dude for sure. So congrats to him! And I'm so glad you get to stay home with your kids. It was so hard for me to balance work/motherhood when I worked when Jackson and Caroline were little. So congrats to you, too! could you email me that bread recipe to thanks!!