Sunday, September 20, 2009

Our Favorite Walk

Yeah! It's Dad's birthday, and bonus his day off so we're going on our favorite morning walk. Kate and Kenzie chillin' out while we get ready and load the stroller in the car.

O.k., so this isn't actually part of our walk, just part of the beautiful drive there. I couldn't resist getting out and snapping a few pic's. It was a gorgeous day!

We usually encounter some form of wildlife or another on our walk. Today was the first time we saw a turtle. I think Justin was tempted to try and bring it home.

Thankfully, we decided that the turtle would be better off left alone!

We are really blessed to live close to Fleming Park which is made up of two lakes, Blue Springs Lake and Lake Jacomo. This walk is near Lake Jacomo and is truly a wonderful place to get outside and enjoy the day.

This was the first time that there were so many leaves on the ground. I loved the crunching sound as we walked over them.

Kate is such a good sport to ride along. Kenzie just takes the time to sneek in a little nap.

This is toward the end of the walk. I was trying to get kind of artsy here. I don't think it turned out exactly how I was trying to get it.

It was a wonderful day!


Jared and Delia said...

What a beautiful place. I can't believe you already have so many leaves on the ground! That is really nice that he had the day off.

That is great that you go walking everyday. I need to be better about that. Owen does not enjoy it a ton unless we are walking to the park and the whole time he is asking how long until we get to the park. Maybe that is why I don't enjoy walks so much anymore :). They stress me out a bit.

That "artsy" picture is really pretty. I bet it is nice to have a camera again.

Nick said...

How beautiful! You're so lucky to live within walking distance. Your girls are so stinkin' cute. I still don't think Kenzie looks like anyone else. She totally has her own look.

Robyn said...

Happy Birthday to Justin! Thank you for sharing some fall pictures of the midwest. It is the one season I miss since moving to Texas.

pianogal said...

What a pretty part of the country you live in! Happy b-day Justin!

Marilyn said...

That picture of Kate looking down the road is totally artsy. You could blow it up and put it in black and white. that would be cool! This is Jessica Brooks by the way, I am on my mom's computer...she is Marilyn. Her blog is pretty entertaining if you are ever bored :) Glad to hear you are all doing well!!