Wednesday, September 2, 2009

You should read...

I've been hearing that a lot lately. "You should read this book," or "You'd love this series! You should read it, " and on and on and on. My usual response is, "you're right, I should." However the other night at Kevin's curriculum night I became painfully aware that I really do not casually read very much these days. Among the many pieces of paper we came home with there was a questionnaire of sorts that Kevin had filled out. It went exactly like this:

My Parents
by Kevin R.

My parent's names are: mom: Janet Dad: Justin

My parent's ages are: mom: 34 Dad: 45 (that one makes me smile every time I read it!)

During the week, my parents' jobs include: mom: nathers Pantry Dad: car salesman

In their free time, my parents enjoy: hanging out whith us.

On the weekends, you can find my parents: (An arrow pointing to the answer above)

My parents' favorite foods include: ?

My parents' favorite books are: Dad: car magazine mom: catolog

Here's more information that I know about my parents: I love them and thay love me.

I love the last response too. However, I was shocked at the realization that all my son ever sees me read is catalogues! I'm still a little stunned by it.

Don't get me wrong--I love, love, love to read. I have stayed up late into the night reading. As a child I would try to check out the biggest chapter books in the library to read. But now it seems like my priorities are just different. With taking care of my family, making time to study the scriptures and prepare for church assignments and keep up with all of Kelly and Kevin's paperwork that comes home each day from school. Where is the time to read?! Don't forget to factor in that Kenzie usually goes to bed around 10 or 10:30 pm (I know it's killing me!) Then there's always one or two things to get done--finally! now that all of the kids are in bed. I usually don't get to bed before 11:30, sometimes midnight--just to get up with Kenzie at least two times a night, (sometimes more--it totally sucks). Then morning comes again all too soon at 6 or 6:30 am (again, depending on the kids). I mean, there are some days when I feel like I have to make time to use the bathroom by myself, let alone make time to read!

So, I know that many people read and read often. How do you do it? When do you do it?! We all understand about finding a balance in our lives. Perhaps I just need to rearrange my balance so there is time to read. I've also been contemplating other options:

1). Hiring an intern to sit and read to me while I get stuff done.

2). Creating some way to have a cable channel that is just books on tape--I mean they have music channels don't they?

3). Downloading books onto my ipod and just go around with headphones on throughout the day, (I'm sure my kids would love that one).

Sadly, free books at the library is pretty hard to beat. Now if I could just find a way to get a full nights rest in about 40 minutes then maybe I'd have time to read and I could show my son that I really am an intelligent,...I can't even think of any other words to describe someone who reads a lot--that's how bad I need to find time to read. My vocabulary is slipping!!! **Shriek, Gasp, Moan!**

It is so sad. Please, I would love to hear your wonderful, well-thought solutions to this increasing problem of mine.


Jared and Delia said...

Ha ha. That made me smile. I like the intern idea!

Our library has books on CD. I wonder if yours does too. You can "rip" the tracks off the CD and load it onto your ipod.

I have been feeling like I haven't had time to read either. Most people I know that are dedicated readers don't have the cleanest houses, sometimes neglect their children for a bit to finish the book they are working on, etc. It is about all priorities.

One thing I really want to do more of is feed my mind. I have been trying to do better and I have had to cut out TV A LOT. It was hard at first but it is getting better. It will be a challenge though when "my shows" start up again this Fall. I justify it by keeping my hands busy crafting while I watch.

It sounds like you are so busy right now. I am SO sorry Kenzie is waking at night still! I wish I could offer intelligent advice, yet my brain is sadly under-stimulated as well. :)

Good luck!

Robyn said...

Hi Janet ...

Once Kenzie is a little older you can start reading again!

Now that Sam can do a lot without my assistance, I have a little more time to read. (I am guilty of reading when we are watching a TV show that I don't have to focus on the whole time.)

I also read a lot after everyone is in bed. Since the little ones are in bed by 8:30, it helps a lot. Hopefully Kenzie's sleep pattern will change soon and you have a little more flexibility (of course, Kevin won't see you reading if it is after he is in bed.)

My MIL listens to audio books every night when she goes to bed. She puts her headphones on as seem climbs into bed and takes them off in the morning. She even wakes up in the night to change CDs!! I don't know how much she remembers of the books but she has been doing it for years!!

Well, Sam is bossing me around so I need to quit typing.


Nick said...

Well, I guess I am one of those people Delia is talking about. I don't play with my kids every second of the day, nor do I vacuum or dust everyday, but my kids do the dishes, clean the playroom and living room as their chores. So in general you couldn't eat off the floor, but my house isn't disgusting. I don't read everyday either, however. I've been re-reading Twilight and New Moon and just finished a 3 book witch series I read a million years ago. I just started another vampire series. The trick-I read when I go to the bathroom-even if it's just to pee and it's 2 pages at a time. When I read during the day, it's every couple of days or so and the kids are playing and it's not hours at a time or anything. Sorry you're up so late and Kenzie isn't sleeping. That was the best night of my life when Carter finally slept thru the night, since he's my last. I'm a night owl though and have stayed up until 1 or 2 reading. So there's my 2 cents even if it doesn't make sense for you right now, maybe some day it will.

Anonymous said...

Hey Janet,
I don't read a ton but I find when I get into a good book that gets my attention right away I make the time. It may take me a month to finish a book but at least I did it. I was never a big reader as a kid so I feal like I really accomplished something when I complete a book. It is funny, I do try to read a little here and there in front of the kids just so they won't remember their mom wathcing tv or talking on the phone all the time. :) So my only advise is try and find a book that interests you and do a page at a time. Katey

Jared and Delia said...

Sorry if I offended anyone about my cleanest house comment. A lot of people fault me for caring too much about a clean house when I ask them to take off their shoes when they come in and things like that. I wasn't meaning to insult anyone, just point out that some of us care more about some things more than others which affects our time allowance for certain hobbies...and might I add that my "cares" often change through time. Sometimes I am way into a book and like Katey said I make more time for it, so my house gets a little dirtier and so forth. Just saying.

The six of us! said...

Love the letter from Kevin, gotta love those questionaires! The only time I have to read is while I'm in the car line waiting to pick up the kids from school. It gives me about 25-30 min. Of course Emily likes to chit chat with me too during that time so I hand her a picture book and ask her to "read" it and that this is our quite reading time. I know I should be reading it with her but I have to have my reading time.

Hope you're all doing well! We miss you guys and think of you all often!