Friday, March 5, 2010

What Really Matters

As I was perusing through my regular blog reads I came across this

 It is beautifully written and achingly sweet.  You will get a lump in your throat and maybe even shed a tear.  But I think that you will also be inspired and encouraged. 

 Thank you sweet sister for posting this and helping us remember what really matters!


Nick said...

That really was so awesome. I focus on the negative and stress that kids bring so often that I forget to enjoy these moments. I need to do that more often. Thanks so much for sharing!

Delia said...

That was really sweet. Your sister seems super fun.

Delia said...

P.S. That video she posted was so poetic and perfect. Thanks for sharing your sis's blog with us so we could see that!

Delia said...

Thanks for the tip on wheat flour. I almost exclusively use white wheat as of late. The red is just so heavy. I am just worried that all wheat flour will make the biscuits too heavy. Do you have any experience with that?

Jared and Delia said...

We should have just chatted on gmail or something...sorry to leave so many comments. Thanks for your tips. I love getting them. I sincerely wanted to know if you had tried using 100 percent whole white wheat as a substitute. Please let me know when you make the full switch. I am hesitant because even when I do half and half it still bulks up my breads. I do like 1/4 in my cookies and only I can tell because I know it is in there but full switch? I don't know. I think I just need to adjust to eating it and cooking with it more before I take the plunge. Any thoughts? Do you have to make adjustments to the recipe to help it turn out better?

Delia said...

To answer your other question:

I don't resize the photos before uploading but I use blogger draft to make them appear larger. I should resize them so I don't use up so much memory in my picasa web album which blogger uploads to when you load a pic...which is why I had to create a new account to load more pictures because I met the free maximum. But...this is easier. :)