Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Not My Best (And Probably Way Too Long)

Yesterday was admittedly not my best day.

The first part actually wasn't too bad, but for some reason the afternoon just showed up so fast and I was so scattered.

I was hurrying to put a quiche together so that I would have enough time to bake it before I needed to pick up the kids from school.  (Since they're in different schools it takes about an hour from the time we leave, until we get home--ugh!)

Kenzie had gone upstairs and then Kate went up a little later.  It was pretty quiet and I kept having this feeling that I needed to see what Kenzie was up too.  However, for some dumb reason the quiche was more important--had to get it in the oven!

So once, that was all wrapped up I headed upstairs, secretly hoping that she had just gotten on her bed a gone to sleep for her nap, (she does that sometimes).  Well, that probably would have happened if my bedroom door had not been opened.

As I got to the top of the stairs I could hear water running.  I ran into my bathroom to find Kenzie, fully dressed, sitting in my big bathtub with the cold water running and using my toothbrush, (that she must have climbed onto the tub to get).  Thank goodness it was just the cold water and that the stopper was not in.  I don't even want to think about what a close call that was.  Thank goodness for guardian angels!

She had also gotten into my bathroom drawer and dumped out the tiny almost-clear ponytail rubber bands that I keep in there for Kate.  Which, by the way I am still finding them and picking them up.

When I finally got out the door to get the kids, I was half-way to Kevin's school when I realized that I was going the wrong way and needed to pick up Kelly first, since her school had been out for 10 minutes!

Later in the day, after getting home from picking up the kids, I found a soaking wet wad of toilet paper on the floor by the toilet in my bathroom, so yeah, Kenzie was also in the toilet.  I wonder if that was before or after she had found my toothbrush....hmmmm (gag).

Last night was a busy night, The Blue and Gold Banquet was rescheduled for last night and I also had to teach a cycling class.  So as soon as Justin got home there was a flurry of activity as we hurried to get everyone ready and out the door.  Unfortunately I couldn't go to the Blue and Gold, so I made sure that Justin had the camera and the picture of the cake that he and Kevin had made.  However, I forgot to make sure that he had diapers.......They ended up leaving a little early because Kenzie needed her diaper changed.  Thank goodness Kevin had received his award already--he earned his wolf!  (more on that later).

All the way to my cycling class I still felt so scattered and out of it, like I had never taught before.  It was weird!  As I started the class I went through my usual stuff about keeping your elbows soft, and making sure you use your heels as you move the pedals around, ....yada, yada, yada.  I still felt like I was forgetting something, but I couldn't figure out what, so I went through the whole class, (which was pretty awesome) and at the end, we began our cool-down stretch and that's when I realized I forgot to stretch a little at the beginning of class!  (Insert forehead slap here).  It wasn't too crucial because it's mostly a lower-body class, and I just do a light upper-body stretch as we easily pedal along.  But someone did remind me at the end that I had forgotten the beginning stretch.  I know I'm making a bigger deal out of it than I should, but I still feel like such a retard for doing that!

Thank goodness that today is a new day.  I will try to get my head on straight and make sure the most important things are where I'm spending my time!


Shauna said...

wow, what a day!
I would totally come to your cycling class if I lived near you. That would be so much fun! I've done a cycling class and it totally kicked my bum!

Delia said...

What a day! You got a new toothbrush right? Blech.

Anonymous said...

Janet! This is so funny! You truly are a Super Hero!

Delia said...

You know I was kidding right?

Nick said...

Oh my. I'm sure from reading my blog you know that you're not alone. Still, I'm so sorry about your awful day. When Bubba was little I had started the tub running and went in my room to get something and he decided it would be fun to turn on the shower and climb in fully clothed. He had closed the curtain and was having the time of him life. Sorry again. I know how it is when one thing goes wrong the rest of the day gets poopier and poopier.