Sunday, April 25, 2010

Good Time Family Fun

Our church talent show was last night.  Those of you who know us, know that our children are not shy at all and as soon as a talent show was announced long discussions ensued as to what we could do to perform as a family.  After hours of deliberation we were inspired by a poem that Kelly had written a few months ago and this is what we came up with.  Enjoy!


Nick said...

I saw it on Justin's fb post. B and I were cracking up! Is Kelly about as tall as you now? Geez. I love love love Kevin's robot. I told Justin that he must have learned how to dance from you. :) Kelly really is a great writer!

Jeremy Price said...

I MISS YOU GUYS. I can't tell you what a smile that put on my face. Sorry I haven't called you back, been waiting for a quite moment when I can talk (maybe 2020:).

Delia said...

HA HA! THat was awesome! You guys rock! I am so impressed at Kelly's rap writing skills. We loved how in sync Kate was with the whole thing too. You guys have mad skills. :)

Marilyn Broadbent Oveson said...

You guys are ghetto fabulous! That was so awesome! I love Kelly's rapping/poetry skills, that girl is a major talent. Kevin's robot was killer and the little girls were hilarious. Are you planning on taking your act on the road anytime soon?!