Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Growing Pains

I would love to be one of those amazing bloggers who post every day and you can't wait to read what they will come up with next.  Sadly, I'm not quite there yet.

However, Kate said something the other night that has really made me think.  We had enjoyed a beautiful day at the Arboretum with great friends.  But after all of that running around and walking so much, by bedtime her little legs were just aching.  The way she described it seemed like growing pains.  {Why do growing pains flair up when you want to settle down and go to sleep?}

Anyway, I was explaining to her that she was growing and that's why her legs were hurting.  She paused for a moment and you could tell that she was really thinking about what I had said.  Then she responded, "Oh, it really hurts to grow!"

Yes, it does.  Growing hurts in so many ways.  But it is a necessary part of life.  When we are faced with difficult and sometimes painful situations that force us to stretch and grow, we realize just how strong we are.  And as we look back on those "growing pains" we realize that we are better because of them.

I think of the growing pains that we've experienced over the last couple of years, (moving 3 times 1/2 way across the country and back, etc.) and although it was so, so difficult I have greater insight into myself and I appreciate the strength and faith of our children and the support of my incredible husband. 

I'm sorry if this post sounds totally cheesy.  I wish I had the vocabulary and ability to adequately describe what I'm trying to say without sounding so retarded.  I guess when it all comes down to it.  I am grateful for the challenges that have caused me to stretch and grow and become a better person; and I just love the way that little 5 year old Kate summed it all up, "Oh, it hurts to grow!"


David and Stacey said...

Like David's dad use to tell him, "it will feel better when it stops hurting." like that makes you feel better when you stub your toe. What a great really goes hurt to grow.

David and Stacey said...

ps, why is kate looking so big and older? i don't like it at all! Stay little Kate, you are such a cutie pie!

Robyn said...

The wisdom of a 5 year old!!

It's interesting because I am a collecter of sayings and thoughts that may jog my thinking and one I wrote the other day was ... "God allows us to go through so many things that don't seem likely to benefit us, but in hindsight, we can see where they did. Even in the tradedies we suffered."

What you said in your post made a lot of sense to me. When things are going, sometimes we just don't understand (3 moves) but looking back, we see that our marriage is stronger or we have helped our children appreciate something they may have taken for granted. We just never know what lessons we are going to learn.

Loved your post and yes ... I look for them and like reaading them.

See you soon .. R

Jeremy Price said...

Thanks so much, just what I needed today. Let's talk soon.

Nick said...

I don't think you sound retarded at all! You're right on the money. Or I guess Kate was. :) I agree with her for sure.

Delia said...

Your honesty and straightforward words are lovely. I don't think you sound retarded at all. That is so insightful how Kate simply fit something us adults still have trouble putting into words, into a simple statment.

Anonymous said...

You are an amazing blogger. No need to apologize. Loved your post.