Sunday, April 11, 2010

Kate's Birthday At the Arboretum--Lots of Pictures! :)

We Have Pictures!

Thanks to my wonderful husband who worked his magic on the computer I was easily able to upload these pictures--and yes there are many (o.k. and some are out of order, but they're here so I won't complain).  When I asked Kate what she wanted to do on her birthday, she requested that we go to the Arboretum.  I could not argue with that.  It is truly the most beautiful place in Dallas.  If any of you come to visit us just plan on taking a trip to the Arboretum!  The weather was perfect and we all had a great day!

Happy Birthday Beautiful Girl!!  You are wonderful and bring our family so much joy!  I'm grateful that you are part of our family!

While walking through this garden Kate decided that she wanted to "sun tan."  :)

The ride home.  I'm ecstatic to report that Kenzie slept throught the night last night!  The first time--ever.


Delia said...

Yay for pictures! Those water pictures are awesome Janet.

Those car sleeping pictures were HILARIOUS! I am so glad Kenzie slept through the night. Yay!

The flowers look so beautiful! Kate made a good choice for a family outing. I love the hello kitty cake too Janet. You did a very nice job.

Robyn said...

It looks like you all had an awesome time!! You did a great job on the cake too!!

Happy Birthday Kate!! Hope to see you again soon.

Shauna said...

That place looks so awesome! I want to go! What a cute cake too!

Nick said...

I love love love the pictures of Kenzie enjoying the flowers. In one of the pictures, I think Kate looks just like Kevin. I never noticed that before. It looks so pretty there. Yay for sleeping thru the night! Were you able to or did you wake up wondering why she wasn't waking up? Jo Jo finally started sleeping all night again and going to bed really easily. It's been such a nice relief. I'm sure I just jinxed it though.

Nick said...

Oh I forgot to say how cute the cake is. Much cuter than ones I've been able to do. It's my goal to take classes one day and make a really pretty cake.