Friday, April 30, 2010

Life Spinning By

I used to think that being a stay-at-home mom was kind of like the movie, "Ground Hog Day," where every day was exactly the same.  But lately my life feels more like a speeding merry-go-round.  The kind they used to have at the park, (next to the teeter-totters).  Some days I feel like I'm hanging on for dear life, my legs being pulled off by the centrifugal force and I'm just doing all I can to survive and safely make it to the end of the day.  Those are the days that I go to bed late, with dirty dishes in my sink, and laundry that has been sitting, folded for 3 days, still sitting folded and will most likely never get put away, just taken straight from the basket, worn, dirtied and put back into the laundry to be washed again.

Other days life is still spinning by me, but I'm prepared, I'm sitting in the middle, my arms and legs wrapped around the post/handle and I am secure, while everything spins by.  I get everything done just in the right amount of time.  I have things done ahead of time that make the other things I need to do go so much easier.  Everyone goes to bed on time and my kitchen is relatively clean as I go to bed.  (I still have a hard time sweeping the floor everyday, I just run out of steam).  I love days like this!

Still, life is flying by, and most days I just can't seem to get everything done.  There are just not enough hours in the day.  Hence, why I haven't posted too much lately.  I would like to be better organized, but then I realize that even the most organized person will be thrown off track by 100 interruptions--homework, help with tying shoes, drinks of water, "ouchie nails," and on, and on, and on.  And that's o.k.  I am grateful for those interruptions because they also come with sweet hugs from small arms around my neck and small, kisses on my cheek.  I just hope that I can make the best of everyday.

I'm not really trying to complain.  I'm just "thinking out loud," and succumbing you to my rambling.  So sorry!  I'm just realizing that I am entering a new phase of my life, and I don't think I have completely adjusted.  The irony is, that once I'm adjusted, things will just change again! :)  But I digress.

How do you cope with the busy-ness of your life?  Do you have any secrets that help you keep things organized?  Something that I have been doing lately and really sticking with that has totally helped me is planning dinner menus.  I ususally try to do 2 weeks at a time.  This coincides with payday.  Having menus planned helps keep my grocery lists easier to put together, (and I haven't really done the math, but I think it helps me keep costs down).  Plus, dinner time--which can be chaotic usually goes a little smoother, because I know what we're going to have and I have all the ingredients that I need.  It does take a little time at the initial planning, but once it's put together it really helps.  Plus I've noticed that we're not always eating the same things like we used to do.

I guess I have rambled on long enough.  Here's to all the women, o.k. parents, (I'm sure there are men that feel this way too),  out there hanging onto their own merry-go-rounds.  You are amazing!  You inspire me and help me to keep holding on as my life spins by.


Delia said...

What a neat analogy. I have heard of some women who grocery shop once a month and only do fresher ingredients once per week. They prepare (completely or mostly) the meals and then freeze them. So if they have enchiladas they pull them out the freezer cover and pop them in the oven while they prepare a salad. We have pitiful freezer space so I cannot do this, but one day I hope to do like 10-15 meals per month like this. I would get way to bored doing more than that. I like fresh food. These women also make it a party and do it with about 5 or 6 other women to cut down on costs by buying in bulk. They get together and cook for a whole afternoon sharing the workload. The girl that told me about it spends like $200-300 a month or so on groceries for her, her husband, and four small kids. Just a thought.

Other than that...which advice I can't even take yet...I have nothing. I think you are amazing. I am still in the "all my kids are young" phase that is busy in it's own way but I am not running them a million different places so I don't understand yet. I look forward to that time but I can see how not being able to be home for the laundry and such to get done would make it hard for me to do it.

On that note. Do your kids put away their own laundry? I make Owen do it and then I try not to ever look in his drawers. :) He does okay though really.

Nick said...

First off, I love the ballerinas-and that even Kelly is dressed up too. Okay, so I feel the same way you do, but never came up with such a perfect analogy before! Great comparison! Anyway, once upon a time, we had an organizational lady come to our ward and she gave great tips, tons of handouts, etc. One thing I took away was a weekly schedule with certain things listed for each Mon., etc. Like wash whites on Mon., sweep kitchen, clean one bathroom, etc. She also did the meal plan thing. So I started doing that for the most part. Then, I didn't. I think it's a great idea, but sometimes I just don't have the energy or feel up to doing laundry one day, so I end up doing 6 loads some other day (which is stupid and doesn't make sense). I did start to try doing the meal plan thing recently. Except I didn't plan what we would eat each night, just had stuff for enough recipes for about 2 wks. I think I need to do the specific night thing because I'll have something fresh that needs to be used for a dinner, but if I don't do that dinner early enough, it gets yucky, so how do you resolve that question? Because I know that would for sure help me with grocery trips and money too. So basically, I'm in the same boat you are. Everything sounds great in theory to me, it's just actually doing it.

Oh, and thanks for the self-esteem advice you use with Kevin; we'll be trying that for sure. B really likes that idea too.

Anonymous said...

You are really quite eloquent. I surf a lot of blogs but I am always drawn back to you.

Don't be so hard on yourself. Life will always change. Enjoy the ride. Take a deep breath and try again.

Best wishes

love the tutu's