Thursday, May 20, 2010

Book Report

Tonight I will finish another book!  I know, I can hardly believe it either.  This one is, "What Should I Do With the Rest of My Life?" by Bruce Frankel. 

Each chapter consists of a true story of people finding success after they turn 60.  There was one chapter I did not finish and one chapter I skipped altogether.  The first one was about a man who ended up becoming part of a professional modern dance company.  What bugged me was as he continued to travel and perform, his wife was left alone.  It mentioned how she was losing or had lost her hearing, but that she was so proud of her husband and supported him completely.  I don't know, it just didn't sit well with me.  The chapter I skipped was about a woman finding success by creating or something-or-other with erotic art.  I just have nooooo desire or interest to find out about that.  As Justin likes to say, we try to live a "G" rated life.

All stories that I read were very interesting.  It was inspiring to see how they let nothing get in their way to achieve what they dreamed.  Here's a quote that puts it together well,

" was one of those defining moments in Betty's life and in the lives of the other subjects of this book, that personality, history, and an event combined to cause personal perception to shift tectonically and courage to be activated.  Suddenly, Betty knew what she had to do with the rest of her life if it was going to have meaning."

All in all I recommend it.  It's one of those books that you can read a little while--maybe a chapter, set it down for a little while and pick it up later and still enjoy it.


Delia said...

Sounds fascinating. Thanks for the recommendation.

Nick said...

I had to read a book in college once that was pure filth. I sure let my teacher know it too, but she didn't care because she thought I needed to keep an open mind. The entire book had foul language and talked about things of a sexual nature. No thanks. Good for you, though for finishing another book. I'm on Eclipse so I can remember what happens before I see the movie.