Friday, May 14, 2010

A Day in the Life

Well, two days actually.  Yesterday we said, "good-bye," to our cable box.  I am honestly relieved!  We already watch less T.V., plus I'm so glad to see that bill go way down.  Something funny about the visit from the cable guy.  I taught an indoor cycling class yesterday morning and didn't have time to clean up before the cable guy came.  (I knew as soon as I got in the shower he'd show up).  So I was still in my sweaty workout clothes when he arrived.  The funny and completely embarrassing part of the story is that my black shirt had started to dry a little accept for two conspicuous circles on the front!  I didn't notice them until I was greeting the cable guy at the door.  The memory of this is still embarrassing!  When he went to his truck to get something I quickly changed my shirt. 

 Today we are having a spring thunderstorm and for some crazy reason it is making me so happy!  It has been raining big, fat raindrops; sheets of rain.  The thunderstorms in Texas truly have to be experienced to be appreciated.  What's amazing is from the freeway to my house it went from dry to a complete deluge, and then when I got to my house no rain at all, everything was dry and the sun was shining!  It wasn't long however before more ominous looking black clouds rolled in bringing with them the heavy, fat cheerful raindrops.  I find myself humming, "drip, drip, drop little April showers."

Earlier today I ran to Target for a few things, that turned into 20 more things.  When we checked out I noticed that the rain had let up and thought we had totally lucked out.  Wouldn't you know it as soon as we got to the car, it immediately began to downpoor!  I opened the back of the van as the rain came down at a perfect angle right into the back.  I'm grabbing the girls and throwing them over the back seat, "Get in!  Get in!"  All  the while Kate's asking me, "Can I have my candy now? Can I have my candy now?"  (We made a stop at the bulk candy bins, the pastel mints are her favorite).  I think that was the fastest I unloaded the grocery cart ever!  By the time I made it inside the car, literally less than a minute later I was wet all down my back and my shoes were soaked!  Kate--"Can I have my candy NOW?"  :)


Jared and Delia said...

Ha ha. That is so Owen too. Totally focused on the treat no matter what. I wish he were more focused with other things. :)

Those rainstorms sound kamikaze crazy! I loved your story about the cable guy. Are you guys down to bunny ears or just movies?

Jessica said...

Hurray for no cable. That is the next thing to do on my list as well. I have watched very little tv lately, but every time we turn it on there is nothing to watch - shocking with over 10 channels...anyway, maybe i should go do that now while i am thinking about it :)