Wednesday, May 26, 2010


{Kelly, November 2008}

For some goofy reason I cannot get my text to center--oh well.

O.k. so how to express what I want to without getting too personal.  The last couple of years we've had our share of ups and downs, heavier on the downs--I'm not going to lie.  You know we just get this one life and we have to make the best of it.  Sometimes that means learning things the hard way.  Justin and I are striving to figure out what it is we need to know so that we can move on and make some real progress towards reaching the goals we have for our family.  So, yes, I've had a lot on my mind and in my heart lately as I try to make the best of things.

Tonight I was up late helping Kevin with a report for school, (seriously thank goodness there are only a few days left!)  And Kelly, in her sweet and tender way came down to see if she could help.  However, her real motive was to secretly leave me a letter of encouragement.  Here are excerpts from that letter,

"...I love my job, being the big sister can be pretty stressful sometimes but it's worth it.

"I'm worried about you...I know things are tough but if we pray and pay our tithing we'll be okay.

"Mom we're going to be okay.

"All across the bible people have gotten into tough situations but God has helped them get through and he will do the same for us."


So yes, I am humbled and grateful for such a beautiful, wonderful daughter who knew just what I needed.


Jared and Delia said...

What an amazing daughter. :)

How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

Wow! This brought tears to my eyes. What a wonderful child you have and isn't it great how Heavenly Father uses these wonderful little children to uplift us? Amazing....

The six of us! said...

What a tender mercy she has given to you, and how wonderful that you taught her so well that she can recognize when she can be someone's tender mercy. Even yours when you as the teacher needs it. Life can have it's ups and downs but it's times like these that give us all hope for things to come, thanks for sharing your thoughts and sweet letter. Love to you all!

Nick said...

Wow! Very insightful and amazing beyond her years. What a fantastic daughter. You are so very blessed and obviously doing something right if you have a girl like that saying such amazing things! Hang in there. I have those days too, so just know you're not alone.

Nick said...

Btw, I love Kate's song!

Delia said...

p.s. I use flour (to answer your question)

pianogal said...

What a blessing she must be to you! Thanks for sharing this!