Monday, May 3, 2010

Misery is optional

This was the view out of our back window this evening, shortly before bedtime.  It brought much needed relief from a less than good day.  Rainbows are truly amazing.  It's hard to see, but there is a second rainbow slightly above and to the right.  Beautiful.

Yesterday, during sunday school we were discussing the Israelites 40 year journey from Egypt to Canaan.  To sum up, we were talking about how the choices that they made, (to complain, etc.) made things so much harder for them.  I mean they had to wait for a whole generation to die before those who had faith and did what was right could finally enter Canaan.

Anyway, one of my friends made this wonderfully insightful comment that I have been thinking about ever since.  She said, "suffering is a given, but misery is optional;" meaning that life is hard.  We are going to face challenges and difficulties--that is a given.  However, we don't have to be miserable.  We choose how we will react to what life throws our way.  That simple act, that small choice, can determine whether or not we wander around for 40 years, so-to-speak, or instead, we keep our chin up and do what we know is right and ultimately succeed.  So simple.  So powerful.


The six of us! said...

Well said! I notice that theme being the same here in our part of the world too. It's the whole when life gives you lemons make lemonade : ). Keep your chin up!!!

Delia said...

What a great lesson. Thank you for sharing that with me. I have been a bit of a grump lately so I needed that. :)

Beautiful rainbow picture!

pianogal said...

Janet, sometimes you say just what I need to hear! Thanks for a great post!