Monday, May 17, 2010

Salt & Pepper and A Couple of Silly Things

This is what I get for not showering first thing in the morning, (and for leaving the salt and pepper shakers on the table).  Yes, I admit it--the girls were happily eating their lunch and watching a movie, so I took the opportunity to take a quick shower before I had to pick up Kelly and Kevin later that afternoon.  (It's bad enough that I drop them off in my pj's let alone pick them up from school still in my pj's!).  Kenzie got her paws on the salt shaker and did an efficient job of swiftly dumping out the entire thing!    It's hard to really see on our antique dining table and chair, but she had it all over the table, floor and chair.  As soon as she saw me she said, "I'm sorry mommy."  It made it very hard for me to be upset with her.  Especially since it really was my fault for not keeping an eye on her.

Something else pretty silly, or amazing was something that Kate said the other night.  It was Saturday night, after dinner and we were hanging out watching "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure,"  (one of Kate's new favorites).  She came to me and said, "Mom, I'm hungry!  Can I have some broccoli?"  Really, did you ever in your whole life imagine your kids saying something like that?!  Kate actually really loves raw broccoli, all by itself, no dips or dressings--just broccoli.  So crazy!  I wonder if she will still like it when she's a little older.

Last night the weather was so incredibly beautiful here.  We took the kids to a new park nearby that has state-of-the-art playgrounds.  I kid you not.  These playgrounds were so cool! (Of course I didn't have my camera--next time).   It had one of those tall spider web things that Kate climbed to the top of over and over again!  She said, "Mom, you gotta try this thing!"  I told her that I was too big and her answer was, "Mom, when you're a kid again you HAVE to try this.  It is so much fun!"

Oh to be a kid again.  Actually Justin and I were seeing if we could do the rings again.  I was doing pretty well until I lifted my legs to get back onto the platform and quickly (and painfully) realized that I was way too tall and smacked my shin so hard!  It immediately swelled up in the formation of the line that hit the platform.  It was pretty gross.  Thankfully we are well stocked in Arnica ointment and so you can't even really see a bruise today.  It's still pretty tender though.  I highly recommend that every household carry some form of Arnica for bumps and bruises.  It is amazing!


Delia said...


Kate loves raw broccoli? That is crazy cool. Most kids can't get past the texture. What a cool girl.

That is really cute that she likes that movie too.

Nick said...

Jo Jo has gotten the salt before too. Not fun, but at least you can vaccum it up. Sorry about the shin bump. That kind of thing hurts so much even though it's kind of lame. Kenzie is seriously the cutest little girl. I think when I'm a kid again I'll have to try the climbing thing too. :)