Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Talent Time

Every Monday night we have Family Home Evening.  We use this time to teach our children the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and other important standards and information we want them to know to help them in their lives.  Sometimes we play games together; sometimes we take special trips to the park; sometimes we review how to clean bathrooms--just whatever!  It's always set aside as family time.  After our lesson time we have a family tradition called, "Talent Time."  Those of you who know our family know that our kids are not shy.  In an effort to let them have everyone else's undivided attention, they each take a turn sharing any kind of talent they wish, (as long as it's not crude--like armpit noises, etc.).  After they've shared their talent they get to sing a song that they learned or may be working on in Sunday School.  Here is Kate sharing her song with you!  (She is wearing a swimsuit because for her talent she decided to perform an impromptu skit about swimming).


Delia said...

Good job Kate! Getting all the motions too! She is so cute. I love that you do talent time every week.

How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

What a great idea!I'll have to incorporate this into our FHE.

Laura said...

Yay! I'm so proud of you, Kate!! I never knew these kids were actually listening and learning. She did a great job!