Sunday, May 9, 2010

True Mother's Day

This is how my day went.

7 am Kate wakes up Kenzie before she was ready, Kenzie screaming, "NO!  NO! NO!"  I roll over as amazing Dad gets up to help--thank you honey!
Around 8:30 am, walk downstairs to sincere acclamations from the girls, (Kevin still in bed), "Happy Mother's Day!"  I am handed colorful, handmade cards.  Kate's says "I U" followed by squiggly lines.  She says, "here, I will read it to you.  You're a beautiful Mom.  You make lovely dinners.  You are pretty smart.  You make nice breakfasts.  You are beautiful.  You wear nice clothes."
Kelly tells me, "I made pancakes.  I only made one mistake, I got baking powder and baking soda mixed up, so there's 2 tablespoons of each in the batter.  I mean 2 teaspoons."--whew!  That was close!
I'm happy to report that they tasted pretty good, and we all enjoyed them.
Justin isn't well, he goes back to bed without breakfast--complete with eye mask to block out the light and ear plugs.
Kevin wakes up.  Halfway through his pancakes, "Ugh, I don't want anymore.  I just ate something that tasted like plaster!"  I try to tell him not to say anything.  Kelly feels a little bad, bless her heart.
While I try to write in my journal, kids begin to play with blocks, cars, and legos.  They like to build cities, etc.  That was the end of the peaceful bliss and the arguing and contention ensued.  (It wouldn't be a normal day without it unfortunately).
"Work together guys."
"Listen to each other."
"If you don't stop fighting I'm going to take the blocks, cars, legos away and put them in timeout for at least a week!"
5 minutes later, more fighting.
"If you don't stop fighting you're all going to get sassy sauce and will have to clean the kitchen!"
They were warned......
40 minutes or so later--toys put away, hot sauce given to those who earned it, (seriously, they got a tiny drop--no one even complained), Kelly unloaded the dishwasher, Kevin is finishing loading it.
Mom is on the balcony finishing writing in her journal in peace.
Kenzie wakes up from nap with nuclear poopy diaper that involves washing her sheets.
Justin still not well, still in bed.
Lunch begins--quickly get ready for church, get there 5 minutes late.
For the most part church went well.  It only involed moving Kevin away from Kelly.  I think those two sharing a room is getting close to it's limits--they can't stand each other these days.  The highlight of church was definitely the children singing--so tender.  That and Kenzie falling asleep during Sacrament Meeting, seriously Hallelujah!
Home from church--amazing Dad has dinner on the table!!  Thanks again honey! 
Dinner goes very well.
We play a great M & M game that the kids got during sunday school, where the colors coincide with questions that you ask mom, or she asks you, such as:
"Name 3 things you love about me"
"What do you see us doing in 10 years?"
"Where would you want to go anywhere in the world with me and why?"
It was funny to see how long they interpreted 10 years.  Kevin saw himself getting married--I seriously hope not!
Then we finished the evening by watching a fun family movie.
Kate fell asleep on the floor shortly after 6 pm and Kenzie was in bed a little before 7pm.
We finished up the day with family scripture study and prayer--really just another day in paradise!
I love my children.  I love my life.  I'm grateful for this opportunity that pushes me to my limits and forces me to stretch, and try to become my best self.  I've heard it said that being a parent is "The most...of everything."  As a parent you experience the most joy, the most pain, the most sadness, the most frustration, the most happiness, the most excitement, the most love, etc., etc.  It is an honor to be the mother of my children.  I am humbled that our loving Heavenly Father trusts me in this role.  To my family, thank you for trying your best to give me a special day.  I love you and I'm grateful to be your mom!


Delia said...

Happy Mother's Day. Glad you had a good day. We use the hot sauce trick for spitting, saying mean things, and now biting nails. We are all over that one. :)

I hope Justin gets better soon!

David and Stacey said...

I really miss you you know? You really remind me of my Mom-meaning the way you mother, you are very calm and you just got it together. Thanks for sharing your blog with me, it makes me smile:)

How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

Ha glad to see someone else does the hot sauce thing too! I'll have to tell Sergio. Except we're Mexican..and so yeah, some of the kids LIKE it!