Monday, May 24, 2010

Weekend Update

Peek-A-Boo!  I see you!

It's hard to believe that we only have 7 days of school left!  I think for the most part I feel relieved.  I'm looking forward to quieter, slower, mornings.  This morning I woke up and couldn't remember what day it was.  I was really hoping it was still the weekend so that I could sleep in a little more.  Oh well!

Justin and Kevin enjoyed going on the annual Father's and Son's campout this weekend.  This meant a girl's night at home.  We broke out the nail polish and did all the girls fingers and toes.  I really should have taken a picture but was too distracted with anxiety over my club box circuit class that I had to teach the next day.  We finished up the evening watching "Confessions of a Shopaholic," a perfect chick-flick.  It was a lot of fun.

I'm happy to say that my club box class went very well.  It's a new format for me so I have to really practice to get it just right.  It is so ridiculous that something so insignificant to the eternal perspective of my life takes up so much of my time!  I enjoy teaching it, I just wish it was something that I could just pull out of the air and put together.  I'm not quite at that level yet.  I'm hoping that it will get easier soon!

Since getting rid of the cable box we have enjoyed instant streaming from Netflix to our Wii console.  It has been a lot of fun finding and watching movies and tv shows that way.  We can also access through the Wii too, so we really don't miss our cable at all!!  If you're considering getting rid of it I say do it! 


Delia said...

No way...we should try that since we have wireless internet too! I am going to ask Jared to check that out. :) I don't know why I don't have the desire to bother figuring it out myself.

Very cute picture of Kenzie! Oh so cool and very sweet.

Sounds like you guys had a fun girls night. I am excited for you to have summer in only 7 days too! I never understood the value of having my kids at home all day. Preschool stressed ME out a bit which I didn't expect.

Unknown said...

Love the picture! (We have had some success with in watching movies for free.)

Kathy Reese said...

Yea! I loved it when school was out.

Love the picture.