Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Belly Laughs

I think that this is one of the best sounds ever!

We are celebrating this girl's 2nd birthday this week!  {I'll post more on that later}.  It's hard to believe.  She's the only one in our family to have moved 3 times and live in 3 different states before the age of 2--poor thing!

She is growing up so much.  She loves her older sister Kate--they spend most of their time together.  She has been calling her "Kate Sister" instead of just "Kate" because she just adores her and is so proud to be her sister.  It's pretty cute.

She is the girliest girl in our family.  Her favorite color is pink and I've given up trying to put shorts on her.  She prefers to wear dresses all the time.  She loves anything ballerina and will dance when given the opportunity.  She doesn't like it when people watch her dance so you have to pretend to be doing something else or she gets embarrassed.

We love having her in our family.  She brings makes all of us happy and we can't imagine our family without her!


Delia said...

What an adorable girl! I can't believe she is already two! I remember talking to you on the phone just after she was born and I was pregnant with Reid just like it was yesterday!

Happy Birthday tomorrow right?

pianogal said...

I love that sound too! So cute. Can't believe she's 2!

Nick said...

That's my favorite sound! She's such a doll. I looked at the calendar yesterday and saw that it's her birthday. A card will be on the way tomorrow. Such a sweet girl. I can't believe our babies are already 2!