Monday, June 14, 2010

Best Gifts

I recently celebrated my 35th Birthday--Wow!  35?!  Are you sure?!
It seems very surreal.  I remember when 35 was really old.  It's funny how your perspective changes with time.

These are the gifts from my children...

Kevin gave me his worry rock so that I can rub it when I get worried.  "That way if you're worried a lot it will really help you!"

Kate gave me her two pennies, "So you can buy yourself some candy!"

Kelly made me this cute angel and wrote me a poem, "My Mother is an Angel."

"My Mother is an angel
She came from heaven above
and now she lives with me on earth
and cares for me with love

"My Mother is an angel
she has a loving heart
she always has cared for me
and in my memories she takes up a big part

"My mother is an angel
she knows what's best for me
and whenever I am sick
she has a remedy."

These really were the best gifts they could have given me.  You could tell that they shared their treasures from their heart.  It was very sweet.  These are the things that I will treasure forever!
Really, what more could a mother ask for?

O.k., I do not want to neglect the wonderful gift that Justin gave to me--a KitchenAid Immersion Blender!  I did forget to take a picture of it--next time.

It really was a wonderful birthday!  Here's to the next 35 years!


Robyn said...

Happy belated birthday Janet! It looks like you had an awesome day!!

Nick said...

You seriously have the sweetest kids on the planet. To give you their treasures really says how much they love you. And Kelly's poem made me emotional. She's not only a wonderful writer, but a very sweet girl who clearly loves her mom.

How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

Wow what sweet kids! I love them all especially the worry rock :)

Happy Birthday to you!!

David and Stacey said...

35? no way! you look like maybe 30...seriously! happy bday! I miss you really......I feel like I want to pick your brain like: what do you eat everyday? especially breakfast and lunch? How can I tone up my body? after losing 10lbs I have alot of skin, can I get rid of it? will yoga help or is this my skin forever? anyways, I wish you were across the steet, but I am glad you and your family are happy. Have a great day Janet!

Delia said...

Happy Birthday! What sweet gifts from your kids! That worry rock is my favorite. :) I think I need one too.