Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Fun At the Park

Since Monday was the Summer Solstice we thought we'd take advantage of the extended daylight hours, (and the cooler evening weather) and enjoyed a visit to one of our favorite parks.  Justin and the kids have really taken a serious interest in Parkour so the were excited to get to the park and work on their "skills."  Plus, if you know me anything that gets people to get outside and get moving--especially my kids I'm all for it!  Here are some pictures from our night at the park.  Yes, Kenzie was there but she wasn't too interested in letting me take her picture, (hmmm, maybe because it was getting late and she was a little tired? ;) ).

To Hang from this spot they run part way up the slide to the right and then jump onto this spot.  Crazy I know!  They have such a good time it doesn't even occur to them that they are exercising.

This park has a few rock walls and part of their parkour training includes running up and grabbing the top of the wall in a big leap, (just think Jackie Chan and you will probably picture it).

This is to prove that I was there and to show everyone how tall Kelly is getting!  Can you believe it?!

Kate has always been a good climber and bonus you can see Kenzie in the background in her favorite purple "ballerina dress."

The light was just perfect to take these shadow pictures.  Can you tell what letter Kelly is trying to make?

I think that this is Kevin's favorite pose.

This is what Kate wanted to do with her shadow.  She was a little impatient with me and didn't really want to do this--so I will take what I can get.

The following are a couple of videos of Justin working on some parkour basics.  I have to apologize because I haven't taken too many videos and forget how well the microphone picks up my voice--so I might be a little loud.  {Note to self, try not to talk while shooting videos!}


Anonymous said...

This is the best post EVER!

How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

What park is this? We're always looking for new parks to explore :)

Delia said...

Justin is such a fun Dad! and... Kelly IS so tall. Holy Cow.

I love the shadow pics. They are so so funny.

Robyn said...

You guys look like you had a great evening!!

Love the pictures. How tall is Kelly?

Nick said...

Just caught up after my trip. I love the posts about your dad and Justin. What great dads in your life. I kept thinking Kelly looked tall, but seeing her next to you made me realize that she really IS! She'll pass you up soon. :( I love the handprint on the mirror. B had little handprints from Peanut on the inside of his truck window that he kept there for years because it made him smile.