Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Walk A Little Slower
Author Unknown

"Walk a little slower Daddy,"
said a little child so small.
"I'm following in your footsteps
and I don't want to fall."

"Sometimes you steps are very fast,
Sometimes they're hard to see;
So walk a little slower, Daddy,
For you are leading me."

"Someday when I'm all grown up,
You're what I want to be;
Then I will have a little child
Who'll  want to follow me."

"And I would want to lead just right,
And know that I was true;
So, walk a little slower, Daddy,
For I must follow you."

Happy Father's Day to the Best Dad!!
Thank you for your example and all of the hard work you do for our family.  We are grateful for you.

We Love you Dad! 


Delia said...

That was such a sweet tribute to Justin!

Dianne K. Nelson said...

That was awesome! Way to pair words with pictures {did you know that any time you put words with pictures you are scrapbooking ;) ;)}

Nice job! Love you!
