Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Kate's Dream

I was awakened this morning by these two beautiful, smiling, blue-eyed girls.  It really was a wonderful way to wake up.  They were so cute standing my the edge of my bed so happy to see me.  Kate enjoys telling me all about her dreams.  Today's was especially entertaining so I thought that I would share it with you:

Kate said, "Mom, I had a good dream!!  We were at the McKinney Gym, (I teach group fitness at a couple of locations),  and this bad guy came and wanted to kidnap us.  And you (Justin and I), were eating in this fancy restaurant.  And Daddy fought the bad guy with his parkour!!  I told him to do a left side kick and he did!  And I told him to do a right side kick and he did! And he punched them!  Then he grabbed the two bad guys (I'm not sure when there became two guys), by the collars so they couldn't get away and threw them into the beach water and the angry sharks ate them up!  The sharks liked us-they were nice to us-but angry to the bad guys.  And then we lived happily ever after!"

I wonder what tomorrows dream will bring?


Nick said...

That's hysterical. At least her scary dream turned out happy. My kids never tell me about dreams. I don't think they have any, or at least don't remember them. What a cute, silly girl.

Delia said...

Haha. I can just see her eyes lit up and animated telling that story. She definitely got the storyteller gene.