Monday, June 7, 2010

Kids' Eye View

In an effort to pass the time yesterday, Kate and Kevin took the opportunity to snap some pictures of their own.  It's funny to see things from their perspective!

A funny side note about Kenzie, today as we were getting in the car to run a quick errand she shouted out, "Shot Gun!"  It doesn't take them long to figure that one out!  It was so funny.

You'll have to excuse the laundry and ironing, etc.  Justin was getting ready for a business trip.

This is the kids favorite cereal!  They don't get it very often and when they do it doesn't last long!  I like it because there's nothing artificial or processed in it.  We got it as a celebration for the end of the school year.


Delia said...

You look so cute Janet! That cereal sounds interesting. :)

Anonymous said...

love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! your blog is soawesome!

How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

What cute kids you have :D