Thursday, June 17, 2010

Love This Picture!

Kelly took this picture on our last trip to the Arboretum with Grandma T.  I just love it!  I love that you can see the lines in the tiles and all of the symmetry and pattern.  It's just cool.  We call this part of the Arboretum "The Big Hill."  It's a great picnic spot and the kids usually spend a lot of time running up and rolling down the hill.  This is also where they hold outdoor concerts.  Kelly was standing on the "stage" looking out to the "audience" where Kevin is standing directly in the center.  In the background is "The Camp House,"  one of the original properties that was donated to the city to build the Arboretum.  It's just beautiful and I always try to imagine what it was like to live there, "back in the day."

1 comment:

Delia said...

What a cool place. Looks like a dream picnic area.