Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Object Lesson

We had a very quiet, laid back weekend.  We didn't plan very much and just enjoyed not being busy for a while.  We talked about things we could do here, or places we could go there.  However, we really needed to make time to clean things up and do a little housework.  This kind of task is never fun.  No one ever wants to do it, especially when you have a 3 day weekend to enjoy.

Unfortunately, things had been left un-done for too long.  I expressed my frustration about it to Justin.  Our kids have daily tasks that aren't difficult and when we stick to the schedule our house is maintained and we enjoy being at home.  The tough part is getting the kids to get their jobs done.  I get so tired of constantly nagging and micromanaging them that I admit, days go by and I just give up and let everyone slide under the radar.

Well clever and supportive Justin came up with a great object lesson for our kids.  He had each one of us take turns trying to pick up one end of our couch all by ourselves.  The kids happily stepped up to the challenge and relished an opportunity to show just how strong they were--only to be quickly humbled at the realization that the couch is heavy.  When it was my turn I was able to lift one end and then Justin asked me to carry it into the other room.  He asked me if I'd be able to carry the couch around all day.  Which of course would be extremely difficult.  Then he had each of us lift a section of the couch.  We could all see how much easier it was to lift when we all carried a different part.

Justin likened that to the daily tasks it takes to keep our house going.  If we all do our little part the job is not to big or too heavy.  He admonished our children to no let mom carry the whole burden herself, but to help by willingly doing their individual parts.

The whole thing went well.  I think the kids understood at that moment and now I have a little ammunition when they whine and complain.  I can remind them how difficult it is to carry "the couch" all by myself.  I'm anxious to see how it goes.  We're still at the beginning of the week, and it's a new month.  I will have to report back and let you know what happens. 


Delia said...

Go Justin! That is a great lesson.

Thanks for your advice on sleeping. Owen was the same way and we had to lock him in until about 3 ish. We are having difficulty with Reid because we have more stuff to put in less rooms with one more kid. When we locked Owen in his room he busted a night light in his hand, climbed and jumped off all the furniture, emptied out his drawers and toys everywhere, etc every night until we wised up. Reid has shown signs of doing the same thing even with the door unlocked so we have to do the same deal with him. The trick is where to put all our stuff so it is comfortable for everyone. We are still working out the kinks but hopefully we will get it figured out by tonight. We all have not been sleeping well. :)

Nick said...

What a great idea! Smart husband. I too let them slide under the radar a lot. It's too much work and wears me out too much to argue about it sometimes. But then I feel like the house is a mess and get so frustrated.

Unknown said...

Genious! Makes me sit and think if I am asking for enough help.

Jessica said...

OK - so i love this. Can I post a link on my blog to your blog?

Jen said...

Hi there! I'm Jessica Brooks' sister & popped over from her blog for a visit. I LOVE this. Going to borrow for FHE tomorrow. We fight the same battle. I love the object lesson. It is perfect! Going to make up some new job charts & just like that, FHE is planned! Thanks!