Thursday, July 29, 2010

In's and Out's and Are you kidding me?!

At the beginning of the week I thought Friday would never, ever come!  Somehow by Wednesday night everything just seemed to catch up and now the weekend is right around the corner--whew!

Some highlights of the week include:

*Jumping up out of bed at the crack of dawn to take the garbage to the curb on Monday morning.  For some reason they always come before the sun comes up--and on Monday morning too; Are you kidding me?!  

Sadly, this week it turns out they decided to sleep in too.  I wish I would have gotten that memo.

* Later that morning, as I was getting out of the shower Kevin comes in to tattle on Kate.  Apparently she had decided to call 911 and now the operator was on the phone and wanted to talk to me;   Again, are you kidding me?!  It wasn't even 9:30 am yet!  Thankfully the operator totally understood and just wanted to make sure that we were alright.  Honestly, you could hear the laughter in her voice, so it wasn't too bad.

* Tuesday we did not get out of the house early enough and the kids were literally climbing the walls!  Kevin had figured out how to "A-team" jump, (yes, I said A-team) from the far arm of the couch onto the big exercise ball in the middle of the room.  Don't get too worried-it's not a big room.  Then he upped the anty by using his mad parkour skills to climb up and sit on the fireplace mantle and A-team jumping onto the same ball in the middle of the room.  As I type this I am wondering what exactly I was doing at the time and why did I continue to let this happen--Are you kidding me MOM?! 

So I rounded up the kiddos and took them to a new park that also has sprinklers.  They had a good time and I got a little bit of peace.  As I sat there sweating profusely I wondered if I should have taken them to the pool instead.  I just didn't have the energy to do that.

* Wednesday afternoon the kids and I took Kelly to a free babysitting course at a nearby fire station.  After we dropped her off I decided to drive around a little looking at different neighborhoods--I can't help it, I'm really looking forward to owning our own house again someday; especially if it has 4 bedrooms.  Anyway after a little while Kevin started to feel carsick and acting like he was going to throw up--great.  So we quickly drove home.

Then when I picked her up after her class the teacher told Kelly thanks for all of her interesting questions.  I looked at Kelly and with the biggest, proudest smile she replied,"Yeah, I asked her 'What do I do if I'm upstairs giving one child a bath and a guy dressed as a pizza man comes to the door and the 9 year old thinks 'Cool! Pizza!' and then he opens the door and the pizza man pulls out a shotgun and blows him away?"--Uh,...are you kidding me?!  (Apparently she was not the only girl asking questions like that and when she truly realized how immature it was she was pretty embarrassed).  Definitely not my proudest moment.  But hey, I guess now that she's asked that question she'll know what to do and we already know that Kate knows how to call 911 so I guess we got it covered.  And if that doesn't work Kevin can do his parkour onto the fireplace and A-team jump onto the bad guy and tackle him to the ground.

It definitely has been an interesting week.  I wonder what to expect for next week?  Do I even dare?  Hmmmmm 

* Today I enjoyed some training for my new job.  We learned about strategies and interventions to help children with high functioning Autism and Aspergers.  It was really cool.  Probably one of the best days this week. 

*  Tomorrow is Friday--thank goodness!  I think I might attempt shopping with all the kids.  Wish me luck!  With my kids it will definitely be interesting.


Delia said...

Ha ha. That was hilarious Janet. Sorry to laugh at your pain. Luckily school starts soon right. :) Oh my. Your kids are some of the coolest people I know.

Anonymous said...

I laughed harder the second time I read this! TOO FUNNY! You are an AWESOME MOM!

Unknown said...

Loved the post! Your writing is so clear I can just visualize everything. I am excited about your new job!

BTW, Evy says that Kevin's orange shirt is cool.

How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

That is too funny! And yeah, Friday couldn't come fast enough. But as always, our Saturdays are jam packed for the next few weeks. Uggh!

Robyn said...

I truly enjoy reading your posts Janet!!

Hope you guys have a relaxing weekend and maybe we can get together again soon!

pianogal said...

I get so much enjoyment out of reading your posts like this one; I almost feel bad about it since it means you feel like you're really having to *endure* and we're getting a chuckle out of it, but seriously, your stories are the best.
P.S. Thanks to your family for taking good care of Tom for us. I know he's glad for the company!