Tuesday, July 6, 2010

It's Been A While....

It's totally late--o.k. maybe not, but I'm exhausted.  Even still I could not go to bed without posting a little update on the comings and goings of my life. 

Not that it really matters to anyone else, but I've wanted to post for a while and have been so, so busy.  (I've been teaching a lot of extra group fitness classes while other instructors are on vacation.  This week by Friday, I will have taught 9 classes--totally insane). Well, no more excuses, I am making myself do it now.

O.k.  First of all I really wanted to do this great, heartfelt, eloquent post about what Indpendence Day means to me and so on.  To "sum up,"  I'm truly grateful for all of those who have sacrificed to uphold the freedom that I enjoy.  I honestly think that I take it for granted how wonderful it is to live in America and to be an American.  This truly is a great nation.  I worry a little bit about the future of this country that I love so much.  I hope that we never lose sight of the vision that our founding fathers had for our country.  I wish we could remember how we feel on the 4th of July as we ponder on these things and keep a small portion of that feeling with us all the time.

O.k. seriously I'm going to bed soon and will try not to ramble on too much more.

I am excited to announce that I have a new job!! O.k it hasn't really started yet.  I was offered and accepted the Special Education Teacher's Aide position at a nearby high school.  It's going to be a big change for our family.  But even with all of that in mind I feel calm and peaceful about it.  Actually I wake up feeling hopeful and truly joyful.  It's been a long time since I regularly felt that way.  So, here's to new opportunities of learning and growth!

I've slowly been reading, "The Alchemist," by Paulo Coelho.  I absolutely love it!  I'm sad that I haven't read it before.  It's not a new one so some of you may have read it.  If you haven't I highly recommend it.  I would like to share a few of my favorite quotes that I have come across so far.

"...we the warriors of light must be prepared to have patience in difficult times and to know that the Universe is conspiring in our favor, even though we may not understand how."

"...when each day is the same as the next, it's because people fail to recognize the good things that happen in their lives every day that the sun rises."



Jared and Delia said...

Congrats on getting that job! You are a warrior for doing 9 classes! Holy Cow! I have heard that that book was pretty good. I will have to give it a try once I finish the three books on my night stand. ;)

Robyn said...

Congratulations on the job!! I know you are excited!! A great way to explore your opportunities in the education field!!

Enjoy the rest of your summer ... school will start before you know it.

Let me know a day that works for you guys and we can all go to the pool!

Nick said...

My mom had that same job, but with Jr. High kids. Congrats and good luck! I love our country. B bore his testimony Sun. about how this is his holiday and how much it means to him. I think serving in Africa made him even more patriotic. I seriously cry every time I see something with the military on tv or when they sing the national anthem at a sports game. Kinda silly, but I guess it shows how grateful I am for this great nation.

How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

The Alchemist huh? Ellison read that book too and she recommends it as well. I guess I'll have to put it on my summer reading list.
Thanks for the comment on my blog.
I'm glad I'm not the only mother this happens to :) (the craft w/kids thing)