Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Kevin's Tooth

O.k. so I am officially irritated with blogger.  Any pictures I try to upload get this red stripe accross the bottom that says "server rejected,"--anyone else have a similiar problem?  What is the deal?!

I've been wanting to share pictures of Kevin's lost tooth.  Most of you probably don't know that he has been a late bloomer when it comes to losing teeth and so it was a pretty big deal on Sunday when he finally lost one of his upper front teeth.  (To this date he has only lost 3 teeth and he will be going into the 4th grade).  Every time we've gone to the dentist I have asked them about it but they always reassured me that it was normal and not to worry.

Actually, I remember wiggling my front teeth and pulling them out before they were really ready because I was also later than all of my friends when it came to losing teeth.

Anyway--it was pretty exciting the other night.  When he woke up that morning he told me that his tooth was loose.  He spent most of the day working on it and trying to get it out.

Whenever we offered to help him he would get nervous and wouldn't let us near him.  Then at one point he finally got the floss wrapped around it and pulled it half-way out.

Surprisingly he got really panicky and upset.  So I helped him to the bathroom and tried to calm him down.  He really didn't want me to get anywhere near his tooth and was begging me not to yank it out.  I of course did what most mother's would have done, I reassured him that I wouldn't pull it; that I just wanted to look at it.  Then before Kevin could blink I quickly grabbed the floss and yanked.  The tooth popped out just like that, but unfortunately Kevin was not too pleased that I had lied to him.  I know I should feel bad about deceiving him, but it had to be done!  If my pictures would upload you would see just how tiny the tooth was--it was really time.  Again, I know I should feel guilty but I don't.  In fact when I think about it, it kind of makes me laugh--hee, hee, hee.  He's over it by now anyways and loves how different he sounds when he talks.

All in all--just another day in paradise!


Anonymous said...

LOL! This post is so funny! You are the best mom EVER! Your posts are so fun to read and always brighten my day.

Nick said...

JP has only lost 4 and he'll be in 3rd this year, so I guess it doesn't really matter. I've done the same thing with a tooth, I can't remember which kid. And I didn't feel bad either. I say stuff like that all the time, like with an owie I need to clean or hang nail or something that needs mom attention. :)

Jared and Delia said...

Ha ha. I would have done the same thing too. :) Yay for losing another tooth. I am pretty excited for Owen to start getting a toothless grin here soon. He got teeth early (4 months) so I think he might lose them early. Who knows though really?

As for pictures you may be at your limit. If it rejects them every time then you might have reached your picasa web albums 2 gig limit. You can go to google and type in picasa web to find the site. I think the log in is the same as blogger. It will show you there how much storage you have left. Whenever you upload a picture to blogger it stores it in picasa web albums. Once you reach that limit you can purchase more storage. I forget how much I have but for $5 I bought enough to cover me for a year and I load a lot of pictures. I hope that helps.

How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

My kids are all late tooth bloomers too! And I totally get the yanking the tooth out, sometimes you just have to do it! And,meh..they'll get over it. And I laugh too hee hee

Oh, and thanks for the tips about Sprouts and the cocunut milk ice cream. Making a mental note to go down there and stock up.

Dianne K. Nelson said...

Cooper is a late toother too...he's only lost 3 and that's just been in the last few months. I also pull 'em when they aren't looking...and it is hard to get them to trust you again! The last time, I was literally just touching the tooth to test it's wiggliness when Cooper flinched backward and his force cause the tooth to come out in my hand.

Lovely to see you! I'll be putting pics on my flickr soon if you want to see things...

Love you lots!

David and Stacey said...

Janet- I don't know if this will help or not but I was posting something on craigslist and David said that I have to change the size to 1100 or less. So you have to make a copy of the picture then edit the picture and then resize and it should give you the option to lessen the picture size. Does that make sense? ( i could be wrong) I found this on google:
Okay, I fixed it. I figured out that you can go back to the old version of blogger. I still couldn't upload my pictures there, but at least that version gave me a reason as to why!! I had exceeded my photo quoto. After 4 years of using blogger pretty extensively, I guess it's about time I have to pay for something.

another said:Go to Dashboard, then Settings, then Basic. Scroll down the page and select Old Editor (as Dark UFO recommended). This didn't fix it for me. So I went back to Basic and re-selected Updated Editor (the selection it was on to begin with). Now everything is OK and I can upload from my hard drive. I just hope this lasts.