Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Silver Clouds

My kids are the highlight of my life.  Everyday I get to enjoy special moments with them either individually or collectively.

The other night Kate said, "Remember Mom, silver clouds have golden linings!" It was so funny because she just said it out of the blue.  I'm not sure what made her think of it or where she had heard about clouds and silver linings.  But I love that she was thinking about it and wanted to remind me.

A couple of nights ago Justin, Kevin and I watched, "The Count of Monte Cristo," together--NOT the Peirce Brosnan one, blech.  It has Guy Pearce in it and I forget the main character's name.  Anyway, It is a fabulous movie!  I highly recommend it!  (Well, for kids 9 and up anyway).  It was so fun watching it sitting next to Kevin.  Justin had seen it before so he knew what was coming but Kevin and I had fun anticipating things together.  It seemed like the first time in a long, long time I could just enjoy Kevin for who he is without any distractions from life or his sisters.  It was wonderful.  Definitely a highlight for me.

I was doing the dishes the other day and Kenzie grabbed a rag and started to wipe the dishes that were in the dishwasher to help.  She was so proud to help me, her face beamed!  Then she decided to sit on the dishwasher door.  Of course I told her to get off and stood her up.  She looked at me and furrowed up her little brow and as sternly as she could she said, "Bad Choice!"  As if I had made a bad choice for telling her to get off of the dishwasher door.  I just smiled and laughed a little.  It's so much fun to hear her little voice as she talks more and more each day.  I think my favorite is when she calls out, "Shot Gun!" as we're walking out to the car.

Kelly is growing at a one step forward two steps back kind of pace.  I know she feels the weight of being the oldest child.  It's a burden that no one else can share with her.  I admire her for that.  Plus, I think she realizes that a big transition is right around the corner as her birthday is quickly approaching.  A couple of years ago she couldn't wait to be 16 or even older.  Now, with her childhood quickly slipping away she is holding onto it as tightly as she can.  She finds it much easier to dress up with her younger sisters and pretend she's a bunny or magician than to accept the responsibilities and maturity that comes with being 12.  It's a little difficult for me, who is way too self-disciplined and likes everything completed on time and in an organized way.  I frequently remind myself that she is NOT me and to look for the best within her.  I'm trying to get to know and love Kelly for who she is and encourage her to reach her individual potential.  It's not easy I'm afraid.  But I am learning and loving her more each day.  She is truly trying her best and I really appreciate all that she does for me and her siblings.  Last night she said, "It's really cool having little sisters."  That was music to my ears.

In an effort to watch less t.v. we've been playing games together.  Last week I taught the kids how to play spoons.  Even Kate was able to play all by herself.  We've also enjoyed playing Uno, Sorry, and I taught Kevin and Kate how to play Spaz with Uno cards--a great game I learned how to play when I was about 13 at a youth overnighter.  Coming from a family that regularly played games I have absolutely loved sharing these games with my kids. 

I hope that they will look back on this summer with the same happy feelings that I have; Grateful for the wonderful time we've spent together.


How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

Janet I know exactly what you are going through. Watching Ellison develop into the young woman she is today was not easy. I'm proud of what she has become but I also, STILL have to reming myself that she is NOT me. Even Aaron once said, "yes mom we are not perfect like you" Ha Ha.
Parenting is a blessing, but hard at times. Hang in there :)

Delia said...

We loved that Count of Monte Cristo movie. It was one of those memorable movies Jared and I saw when we were dating/engaged.

You are such a wonderful mom who I look up to.

I love that you are playing games. Jared and I used to play all the time but we have fallen out of practice and keep saying we want to play more games again. The next time we see each other will you teach me to play Spaz? The title alone has me hooked already. :)