Saturday, September 11, 2010

At the Arboretum

I can't tell you how many times this week I sat down to blog and ran out of time and energy.  I'm waking up at 5 am these days and there is so much to get done every evening after the kids go to bed that lately I can't get to bed before 10:30 or 11 pm.  So, blogging has been moved down in priority on my to-do list.  I will try to post something at least once a week but sadly I probably will not get to it more than that.  I thoroughly enjoy reading all of your blogs so even though I'm not posting often, I am reading often! :)

Last weekend we took the kids to the Arboretum for Labor Day.  It was a beautiful day and we were so glad that we went.  Here are some pictures from this trip.  Unfortunately, they uploaded totally out of order.

Near our picnic spot Kevin saw something out of a tree.  It turned out to be a praying mantis!  There is a close up picture later in the post.

I love this jumping picture of Kevin--even though you can't see his face.  I love the captured motion in it!

As you can see Kevin finally lost both of his front teeth.  Such a relief for me!  I was tired of looking at his tiny worn-out baby teeth.  I can't wait to see how he will look with his grown-up teeth.

We decided to take the long way home from the Arboretum.  We ended up driving to Rowlett, where we used to live, and took the kids to Bahama Bucks.  It was so good!  We even day dreamed about owning a franchise someday.

This was actually the first picture we took shortly after we entered the Arboretum.

As I took this picture I thought--when/how did we get so lucky to be blessed with four kids?!  Have you ever felt that way?  Sometimes I have a hard time grasping the reality that I'm a grown up mom with four amazing kids.  It's like, "When did this happen?!"  :)

As promised, the praying mantis up close and personal.

The gardens were beautiful as usual.  I really liked seeing the plants as they were transitioning from summer and getting ready for fall.  In a couple of weeks there will be a huge pumpkin patch and hay bale maze set up.  It was a great a day!


Delia said...

Oh my...Kate's inflated swim suit pictures are hilarious!

What a fun place to be. That Praying Mantis looks huge! We found one this week too on Owen's car door but it was like half that size. Everything IS bigger in Texas. :)

Bahama Bucks is the best! Oh yummy. I want me a Bahama-rama-mama.

Nick said...

Those pictures of Kate are hilarious. I used to love when my suit would do that as a kid. I still can't get over how tall Kelly is. I feel the same way about my kids sometimes. I think-how did Bubba already get to be 10? When did I get to be a grown up my with 4 kids?