Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Looks Aren't Everything

1.  I give up!  No matter how hard I try, I cannot figure out how to make beautiful caramel apples!  Does anyone know the secret?  We made some extremely delicious homemade caramel and had great toppings.  Despite our greatest hopes and intentions, within a few minutes they looked like this.  *Insert Shoulder Shrug* Oh well, they tasted great!  I am not giving up.  Someday I will figure out the secret and make beautiful caramel apples and when I do, you can bet I will share it with you!

2.  Tonight Kate was carrying around a domino and acting like it was her cell phone.  It was pretty funny listening to her having conversations with herself and acting all grown up.  When it was time for our family scripture study Kate said, "Oh, I already have my scriptures!  I dialed them on my phone.  What chapter was it again mom?"  I had to laugh a little about that and marvel at the techonolgical advances that have been made just within my children's lifetimes, let alone my own.  I mean, when you were 5 did you ever think of scriptures found on smart phones?  It's amazing.  Personally I prefer "old-fashioned" scriptures myself.  I still have the set from when I was in high school.  I like to underlined passages and write notes in the margins.

3.  I totally forgot to mention how awesome the boot camp went a week or so ago.  I didn't teach it, just participated and I loved every minute of it.  I wanted to keep going.  I was so happy to be in that environment.  I just really felt within my element.  It was very good.  I am inspired to renew my personal training certification and possibly look into teaching/leading some early morning boot camps.  We'll see.  Right now it's all in the idea stages.

4.  We have had the craziest weather here this past week.  If you've watched the news you've seen that we've had some tornado's and thunderstorms here.  Thankfully, where we live it wasn't too bad.  The tornado sirens did go off on Saturday and interrupted a fabulous nap--but other than that it was fine.  Then just yesterday we hit a record high of 90 degrees!  Can you believe it?!  In Texas we say,  (read with a southern drawl) "That ain't right!"  However, I then realized that since it hasn't gotten too cold yet it has actually been a blessing because I haven't had to go out and get too many warmer clothes for the kids.  Oh, I know it won't be long.  But I was grateful that I didn't have to find room in the budget for that this month.

5.  And last but not least...how about those Texas Rangers?!!  World Series here we come!  It's pretty exciting to be here in Dallas and experience it all.  Let's go Rangers!


Anonymous said...

i have agreat recipe from Colleen Millett ... do you put the apples in the fridge after you coat in caramel? you have to or else the carmel will melt right off. Let me know if you want the recipe. they are devine. ps. I love your posts, they are always uplifting and very REAl at the same time. I am gald you got a job, i bet it is hard doing it all, but you sure are the girl who could do it! Stacey

Delia said...

Okay...I had similar problems and I watched a random news segment on caramel apples.

The chef said to give the apples a part water/part white vinegar bath to help remove the wax. Wax is supposed to be the reason why the toppings slide off. I need to add that tip to my blog or just try it again! I hope that helps. I thought...that sounds too easy but it makes sense.

Kate is hilarious. It is amazing to think about all the changes in technology. I remember when I first read the word blog...Owen was maybe almost a year old...and now I can't imagine a life without some sort of blogging. Crazy!

You would be great for teaching a boot camp...just saying! :)

Anonymous said...

Who Woulda Thunk it? HA!

How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

Janet don't feel bad my apples look like that too ;) but who cares, they're all going into our tummies right?
And I had to laugh at your comment of "That ain't right" with a southern drawl.
Texas is a fun state that's for sure.
Oh, almost forgot~ the domino and Kate how hilarious is she??? I picture her in my mind and laugh (but in a cute way)