Friday, October 15, 2010

Top 3 at.....8?

1).  Justin is home and I am elated!!  I am so grateful for him.  It's very clear to me that our Father in Heaven intended us to live together as families with two parents.  I am blessed to have Justin in my life and extremely glad that he is home!

2).  I'm getting my haircut tomorrow.  I am so excited!  I've needed to get it cut for a while and I'm so ready for a change.  I sort of have that new "short" bob style that every other person has, where it's a little stacked in the back.  The last time I got it cut was in early August so it's grown out beyond what looks good.  Not only that, I like to be in style but I don't like having the same haircut that every one else has.  I'll have to post a picture tomorrow with my new look.  Wish me luck!

3). I'm participating in a boot camp tomorrow morning.  I'm also really looking forward to that too, but I'm a little nervous.  I have a feeling that I will be really sore tomorrow night.  But that which doesn't kill us makes us stronger, right? ;)

O.k. so that's only 3, but that's as good as it' going to get.  I'm grateful to have survived this week and look forward to a great weekend!


Delia said...

I agree. Things are just so much better with Dad at home at night. Just having someone there, even if he can't help much, just makes it better.

I can't wait to see your haircut. I think I need one too but...blah.

Thank you for letting me reference you on my craft blog.

Sorry to hear about your YW situation. That is really challenging for everyone involved. Good thing they have you! :)

Delia said...

Oh and I will probably do the hot chocolate in the a couple of weeks if not in November. Just FYI.

Mom said...

Yea for you. Let me know about the boot camp! Dianne has been uneasy with Waldorf and just got asked to run the kindergarten program at the school she loves! Good things are coming.

Love you!