Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Top 5 Today

1.  I'm seriously starting to re-think my working full-time.  The amount of stress I feel with the increase in demands on my time is close to unbearable.  A lot of things at home suffer and at times I am totally miserable.  Hopefully we can figure something out to make things easier/better.

2.  Last night was Chick-Fil-A night for the elementary school.  We decided to take the kids to get ice cream cones after dinner and when we got out of the car Kate looked down at her the sticker on her shirt, (you know, the ones that the teachers put on them to remind the parents about the fundraiser), and excitedly exclaimed, "Look Mom!  (pointing to the Chick-Fil-A sign), it matches my sticker!!  We found the correct one!"  It was so funny at the time.  It might be one of those things where "you had to be there," but I totally loved seeing her expression and her happiness about the whole thing.  What can I say?  Ice cream makes you happy!

3.  You know your kids have fully acclimated to being in school and following school rules when they ask to use the bathroom while your just sitting at home watching t.v. or something.  My other favorite is when they raise their hand to talk to me.  Good times. ;)

4.  I totally miss the fall weather of Missouri!  This time last year we would take almost daily walks around beautiful Fleming Park and just soak up all of the fall beauty!  It's just not the same here in Texas.

5.  I finally broke down and bought my first flat-iron and it is amazing!  It is so fun to have and use everyday.  Thankfully the technology has been around for a while so I didn't have to pay a fortune for it.  That makes me love it even more!


Delia said...

Oh Janet. I am so sorry. I wish we were closer to you to help shoulder the burden with you.

#3 totally made me laugh. That is really funny that they ask to go to the bathroom. :)

Robyn said...

Sorry to hear you are re-thinking the job. I remember how excited you were about the opportunity. Hopefully it will all work out.

Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

Nick said...

I'm so sorry you have to deal with work AND family. That stinks. I think you're amazing. Flat irons rock. And I love what Kate said. What a cute girl.