Friday, October 22, 2010

Top Five for the Week

1.  Pink....Eye that is.  Kenzie came down with pink eye yesterday.  Thankfully we were able to get her to the pediatrician that evening and today I was able to stay home with her.  She is feeling better and I absolutely loved, loved, loved being home with her today.  It was heaven!

2.  Earlier in the week, during one of the most inconvenient times of the day ever Kevin learned the hard way not to keep flushing the toilet when it is backed up.  I felt bad because I really should have helped him, but at the time I thought that he could handle it and I was trying very hard to clean-up the kitchen from the mess the day before so that I could fix dinner.  Gallons of toilet water later....we cleaned up the bathroom only to discover that water had gone under the bathroom cabinet and was dripping through the ceiling into the kitchen.  It was definitely not my happiest, or well-handled moment of the week.  O.k. maybe of the month.  Note to self--there is nothing higher in priority than helping your son fix a backed-up toilet.  Nothing.

3.  O.k. that was the bad news--now for something much, much happier.  Earlier in the week, (before she had pink eye), I was able to bring Kenzie to the school where I work, after school was out of course, to meet some of the people that I work with.  Despite the fact that she was only wearing a onesie, (it was one of those cute, puffy sleeve, nice shirt onesies), because that's what she had napped in at the babysitter's--she was a little darling and I loved sharing her with my colleagues.  One teacher who saw her right before we were leaving commented on how cute she was and then said, "Oh Janet, you are so lucky."  And you know what?  I really am!  I am so grateful to be a mom to such beautiful, amazing children.  I often think, "How did I get so lucky?!"  I hope that I can remember that during difficult, stressful times--like when the toilet is over flowing.

4.  One evening this week Kelly shared some of her grapefruit juice with Kenzie.  When I walked into the room Kenzie excitedly told me, "Mom!  Kelly shared some with me!"  Then she turned to Kelly and said, "Oh Kelly, that was so nice!  Tank Too!"  It was so cute and totally made my day.

5.  Kevin made a new friend today.  He was so happy about it and kept talking about his friend and how much they are alike.  He said that he hadn't really played with this boy or really ever talked to him before because he didn't know him.  Then he said, "But then I thought, I'll sit by him today and try to get to know him."  He was pleasantly surprised to find out that they like many of the same things and have the same sense of humor.  He talked about how they played together at recess and have decided to put together an act for the school talent show, (that isn't until the end of the school year).  I think that's a great way to end the school week-by making a new friend.  I'm so proud of you Kevin!


Delia said...

Oh boy. I. am. so. sorry. I cannot express my grief for your kitchen ceiling. Oh boy.

You are great for seeing the positive in your week. Really...great. That is really cute how Kenzie said that, that Kelly shared, and that Kevin made a good friend. There is not much better than making a new good friend!

I hope Kenzie's pink eye gets better. I HATE pink eye...I can say that with passion. I have had it like 5 million times!

Nick said...

That's so sweet about Kevin and his new friend. JP has a couple of friends that are a lot like him. Kenzie IS super cute! I'm so sorry she has pink eye. And I'm so sorry about the toilet. We had a similar experience not too long ago, but fortunately it was downstairs. It flooded our entire mud room area. There was like an inch of water. It's nice when they decide to tell you as the room is filling up that the toilet won't stop running! Luckily I was able to turn off the water at the back of the toilet and at least get it to stop.

Delia said...

Hey Janet...

I have the $160 Brother Sewing machine from Walmart. It is the 2009 Project Runway model. Here is the link...

And luckily for you it is only $149 now. I really like it. My only beef with it is that it doesn't handle really thin fabrics as well as my dinky $50 Kmart special sewing machine does. I know other people who have reviewed it say that it doesn't handle thick fabrics that well. If you sew slow it does just fine. Thin though...the tension goes way wacky and it drives me nutty. :) It also has a drop in bobbin which is great most of the time, but for shirring kind of a pain. So I have kept my $50 sewing machine around for that.
I hope that helps. I don't have a super great sewing machine but it has worked great for me. ;)

Good luck!

Delia said...

Oh and I am posting about your Almond Joy hot chocolate tomorrow on my craft blog. I like to space my posts a certain way so that is why it has taken me so long.