Sunday, January 30, 2011

Thinking About That Day &/or Don't Grow Up Too Fast

Isn't she beautiful?  I had my wedding dress out for a young women activity and my girls thought it was the most beautiful dress.  Along with my dress were some pictures from our wedding day.  Kenzie exclaimed, "Mom!  You're a princess!"  She couldn't wait to see me wear it.  So the night I took these pictures I told the little girls if they hurried off to bed I would put on my wedding dress for their bedtime story.  Which I did.  (I didn't take any pictures though).  Kelly is almost as tall as I am so I thought it would be fun for her to try it on.  I think she liked it.  I know it's probably sooner than later that she will be planning her own special day.  That's just how life seems to be.  What is the saying, "The days are long but the years go by fast."  Just don't go by too fast, o.k.


Mom Teresa said...

Uhmmmm this picture is a little scary!! Kelly looks beautiful!! Slow DOWN time!!!

Delia said...

Oh...what a beautiful girl. I always thought she looked more like Justin but in these pictures she looks just like you but with brown hair!

It was always one of my favorite things to dress up in my Mom's wedding dress as a little girl.