Thursday, February 3, 2011

It is Cold!

It is so cold it deserves a capital "C" in the title.  How cold?  Well take a look at this:

This window is in our bathroom, by our tub.  We have a matching one inside our bedroom along with french doors.  I know there are lots of places in the world that are much colder than 19 degrees with a wind chill that makes it more like 5 or 6 degrees, but for DFW, that is seriously cold!  So cold, they have cancelled school for the last 3 days.  Early Tuesday morning we were hit with sleet and a little snow, covering everything with about 2 inches of ice.  The roads are so slick, and it hasn't been above freezing since.  The kids love having a few days off, but they don't love not having any real snow to play in.  Honestly, we haven't left the house since Monday.  It's just too cold.

Are we climbing the walls?  Just a little.  Some of the things we've done to pass the time:

* Blocks
*Littlest Pet Shops
*More blocks
*Wii, wii, and more wii
*Looking through photo albums
*And....painting nails!

I love these chubby hands.  I think nail polish looks so much better on my little girls hands than my own.  I really only like clear on my nails, if that.  My hands just look so foreign to me when I have color on my nails.  Like they're someone else's hands.  Weird....I know.

While I was painting Kate's nails she told me that when she was little she used to call it, "pol-nailish."  Which she did.  I asked her if she remembered doing that, or if she just remembered because someone told her.  She said that she remembered saying that. I painted her toe nails too, but we kept it on the down-low because Kenzie was wearing her "feety jammies" and so we didn't paint hers.

For some reason when I looked through our photo albums it made me feel sad.  Does that ever happen to you?  It's not that the memories aren't happy, they are.  There's just something a little sad when I look at my babies and know that those days are gone.  They're growing up so fast!  Also, I remember our little house in California.  I loved that house.  Sometimes we wish we'd never left.  We had some really happy days there.  We see pictures of old toys and furniture that we no longer have, probably the result of so many moves.  There's just a little bit of sadness mixed in all of it for me.  It makes me think that we need to get some new photo albums and get some current pictures in them so that I can see just how great things really are right now.  Because they are!  I think the cold weather is getting to me.  Sorry for the babbling.  I hope everyone is having a wonderful February and that you are all staying warm!


Anonymous said...

LOVE your posts! Thnaks for kepping me up to date!

Unknown said...

It was -4* this morning. That was before the windchill factor. We've had no school since Tuesday and don't have school tomorrow either. Our list is just about as big as yours. I feel your pain.

How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

Yeah I am so OVER this weather. I know I know, I'll be complaining about the HOT weather soon BUT STILL. I want to get to drive and Sergio won't let me. Hopefully I get the courage to go to work tomorrow. I really don't want to use up all my vacation time.
Love the chubby hands ;)

Delia said...

That is colder than here! Holy Cow. I hope you guys warm up soon.

I know what you mean about photo albums. It is amazing how pictures can bring emotions right back for me.

Kenzie's little chubby hands are so so adorable! I love that picture.

pianogal said...

I get a little sniffly looking at photo albums for the same reason. Sometimes we don't realize how much things have changed until we look at how they used to be. Glad you enjoyed your time off - good luck this week heading back to work/school! :(