Friday, February 4, 2011

The View from our Front Door

After staying home for the last three days because of ice on the roads and freezing temperatures, we woke up this morning to this beautiful sight!  My kids were relieved to finally be able to go outside and play in some real snow.  And we all happily looked forward to another day off.

Again, it may not look like much for those of you who regularly get snow.  It's unbelievable for us here in Texas!

On my list of things to do today:

* Make Bread (since I didn't buy any at the store yesterday)
* Finish Kenzie's jumper
* Drink lots of hot chocolate
* Watch "The Music Man" with my kids (they may complain while I'm turning it on, but they really love it and I love that it's a long, long movie :) ).
Notice there isn't any mention of playing outside with the kids.  Justin took his boots with him on his most recent trip so the kids will be on their own in the backyard today.

Enjoy your day and stay nice and warm!

p.s. I keep forgetting to tell you!  We found out that the snake in our attic was a juvenile Texas Rat snake-nonvenemous, but they can be aggressive.  Yes, Jared you can use those pictures for whatever you like.  It makes me think that when we eventually get our own place, to have a specialist seal off any potential places that critters might use to sneak in!


Nick said...

I feel the same way about my nails! I just painted them for the first time in years for fun a week or so ago. It looked so odd. It didn't last long at all, which is why I never do it. Your weather is bizarre. It gets so hot there and then so cold. I'm so glad we haven't had anymore snow. It's still super cold though when the wind blows. Actually it was sunny and 52 today. Bubba thought it was warm enough for shorts and short sleeves. :)

Mom Teresa said...

We were at 17 degrees for a high w/wind chill too but thankfully no ice!!-- except for my side yard where the river from my busted pipe under my back porch ran and pooled up to make an ice skating rink!! Unfortunately I had no ice skates or I would have been in business! It's warmer this weekend and yesterday I actually went out to my garden and dug carrots -- they're still yummy and I got about 10-15 pounds worth!! Yeah!! Enjoying my warm fire and your blog tonight. HOpe you all are warm too and together enjoying being a family. I love you! Happy Valentines Day to my favorite TExas Randall Family!! I love you all!

Robyn said...

Love all the pictures! I didn't go out and play in the snow this time either.

Hope you enjoyed your week off and was able to catch up on your projects. (Although I know that is hard with kiddos that feel you need to entertain them.)