Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Something Fun

Ok, so I'm feeling completely guilty and ashamed after reading my last post which was dripping with PLOM disease, (Poor Little Old Me).  So here goes something fun.  While I was taking some pictures of Kate on her birthday.  I wanted to try getting some of her jumping.  It was so much fun that everyone wanted a turn.  They are not the best, but they make me smile when I see them, and I'm motivated to figure out the best camera settings to use so that the background is more blurry than the subject. 


1 comment:

Nick said...

I especially love the ones of Kevin. How fun.

I'm so sorry about your poopy week! We all have those so don't feel bad at all. And not too long ago Bubba happened to say in the car (while I was having a grumpy fit) that I'm always grumpy! I almost cried. I do NOT want my kids to think that of me. And I don't think we're actually that way, I think they just seem to notice when we are. And yuck about the tickets! I'm so sorry. Have a much better week. :)