Thursday, June 2, 2011

Alpha Film Academy Awards

Two days a week Kevin gets to participate in a program called Alpha.  He absolutely loved it! Some of the projects they worked on this year invloved making movies.  Some of the movies were silent films displaying a science theory and others were films of their own writing/planning/directing, etc.  They worked on them in their Alpha classes, editing and all.  Then at the end of the year they had an awards ceremony fashioned after the Academy Awards.  It was a fun night where everyone dressed up and there was a red carpet and everything.  Here are some pictures from that night.

Kevin posing on the red carpet.  He's trying his best not to squint in the sunlight.  Doesn't he look handsome?

I can't even remember what Kate was sad about during the pictures.  But try as hard as we did she would not smile.

The evening went verrryyy long.  This was taken during one of our drink/bathroom/diaper change breaks.  It's a good thing she's so cute, because her behavior these days leaves something to be desired. :)

Sadly, none of Kevin's films that he worked on were nominated.  Although he was pretty disappointed, we of course were very proud of him and the hard work that he put into his schoolwork this year.

1 comment:

Nick said...

LOVE it! How fun for all of those kids. And what an amazing boy to work on films. Give Kevin our congrats and tell him how proud we are as well. And I love the tomato comment. I told Justin that you should move here-no earthquakes, tornados or floods! Although our river is to the brim with all of our rain lately.