cir' cus (ser'kes) n. 1, a traveling show, including acrobats, clowns, wild animal displays, etc.; the company of performers in such show. 2, any entertaining display likened to a circus; a good time.
I'm so proud of Kevin! I always get sad when the season is over too! Even though it's a lot of work, I LOVE to watch them! Tell him "way to go" for us!
LoooOOOOOOoooove IT! You are #1!
Great idea! I'll have to hang out some of our clothes.
I'm so proud of Kevin! I always get sad when the season is over too! Even though it's a lot of work, I LOVE to watch them! Tell him "way to go" for us!
I love hanging laundry up too! Jared hates how it makes the towels itchy. I still have to plop them in the dryer for 5-10 min. to appease him.
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