It's 9:08pm and the house is silent. (Well, except for the guinea pigs, but even at their loudest it's not too bad. My kids are all tucked away for the night. Lunches are made, school clothes are picked out.
It's a good feeling.
Work has been more than a little crazy the last couple of weeks. We are adjusting to a lot of changes in our department and it has been a bumpy ride. Tomorrow is jeans day so that is a huge plus! I love when I don't have to iron any work clothes. I am spoiled because Justin loves to iron. However, if he's away on business, ironing is just one more thing that I have to do to get ready for the next day. I know, I know, I should just pick a time and iron everything for the week. I have been wanting to do that, but I haven't figured out how to carve out the time to just get it done.
Anyways, I digress. I'm confident that things will smooth out at work and we will all settle into a comfortable routine soon. I am very fortunate to work with some amazing people. Without them I truly couldn't do it every day.
I did something today that I'm not proud of. In fact I feel a little ashamed/embarrassed. Let me explain by first introducing you to what we at work call "Bubble Man". He's a stick figure with a red thought bubble on one side of his head, a green thought bubble on the other side of his head, and a green speaking bubble by his mouth. He's an illustration of the simple fact that not every thought we have should come out of our mouths. Hence, red thoughts need to stay in our head, and green thoughts are the one's that are ok, or socially acceptable to say. (If you didn't catch it before I work with high school students with Autism/Aspergers--some days are pretty interesting)!
I don't know what came over me, but before I knew it, a red thought slipped out of my mouth today at lunch. It wasn't a huge deal, and nothing like swearing or anything like that. It just wasn't very nice and when I think about the person that I'd like to be, I feel really bad that I said it. Again, I work with amazing people and they didn't take anything offensively--but I still feel bad!
You may be wondering what my red thought was....let's just say you had to be there.
Well. That's it. I'm not perfect. Thank goodness that tomorrow is another day and I will try harder to keep my red thoughts in my head--like Bubble Man.
I am grateful for your little faults and red thoughts! This lets me know you are human, keeps my smiling, and laughing. You are beautiful, wonderful, and amazing! Everything you do is art!
Your Biggest Fan
You have 4 amazing K's because you are one amazing Woman!
Awww...we all have those red thoughts. Don't feel bad. I bet it's interesting working with those kids. But you know being a mom to one of those kids is actually kind of cool (when we're not in public) since he just tells it like it is! We're slowly teaching him to keep his red thoughts in his head SOME of the times. Because some people deserve it when we "pop the bubble" and we let them have it! hee hee
What a neat analogy. I think we all struggle with that, autism or no, because we're human.
As for ironing...I used to have a "day" for it but then I didn't keep up and now my pile gets so huge that it takes me 2 hours {!!!!} to finish it. Then I make another pile because I'm so burned out from the last ironing session. :) Why, why, do I do this to myself? So...I'm just saying, I can relate.
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