Thursday, September 8, 2011

This Girl

So I was having a somewhat stressful day at work today.  Some of our students were having a really difficult time and it was challenging.  In the midst of it all I received two phone calls from the school nurse.

She wanted to know some information about Kate's eyes.  Apparently Kate's eyes had gotten blurry and were crossing throughout the day.  This made it difficult for her to see, so she had plenty of help with people reading to her, writing things down for her, helping her walk down the hallway, etc.

Of course I was concerned.  I called the ophthalmologist and they were able to see her this afternoon after school. Perfect!

After having her eyes dilated and a few tests--the prognosis:  She is totally fine! In fact, her eyes are less far sighted than they were about a year and a half ago when we first had them checked.

Yes.  She was totally faking it all day long because she loved the attention.  

I've always thought that I should find a cute, sparkly and uber-girly t-shirt for her that says big and bold, "It's O.K. to tell Me no!"

She just knows how to work that cute girl charm to her advantage.

Why do I get the feeling that we are totally in for it with this girl?!


How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

Ha Ha Ha...I knew this was coming from the minute I started to read this post! She is just adorable watch out Justin and Janet!!
Also, that Kenzie is gonna be a heartbreaker! But yeah, I can see how she would do this. She is too cute. And it worked! Isn't parenthood fun? I think we should trade stories. I've got quite a few regarding Aaron...

Delia said...

Ha ha...that is so funny. I wouldn't expect any less from Kate. :) She is just so creative, and charming. Ha ha...funny story.

Delia said...

Sorry that comment probably sounded a bit insensitive. It's easy for me to say that as an aunt, but as a mom I would have probably felt pretty concerned too.

Nick said...

That seriously cracks me up. What a silly girl. Although I'm sure you weren't laughing at the time. And congrats to Kelly girl! I'm so proud of her. And I'm jealous of your running. I've never been a runner and now I have a bad knee, but I would love to do that, so kudos to you. :)

Robyn said...

Sounds so much like Ryann! People think I am mean when I say, "Ryann can't have a 'nice' teacher!" but she can't. She needs someone who won't fall for her charming personality.

I can't begin to imagine what stories we would have if the two of them still lived next door to each other!

Miss seeing you guys. Love the posts.